Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"You command." Shu Cheng had just finished listening to the referee's explanation of the rules of the game, and quickly worked out a specific plan in his mind, pointing to Chen Wen and speaking.

"Are you sure?" Chen Wen looked at Shu Cheng suspiciously, she thought that Shu Cheng would lead the team, and then Rong Junyi would command. I didn't expect to let myself take command.

"Aren't you afraid that everyone will lose if I command?" Chen Wen is still not confident in her heart. The honor and life and death of the team survived.

However, Shu Cheng still nodded firmly: "That's right, it's you. Because you are the host."

"That's right, Shu Cheng reacted too quickly. Chen Wen, I think it's really appropriate for you to take command." Pan Shaocheng said to Chen Wen, and gave Shu Cheng an approving glance.

"Yeah, I also think it's suitable for you to go up." Chen Liya also said.

"It's just the three of us on the muddy ground. Chen Liya, you're a girl, just wait on the shore." Shu Cheng continued, pointing to Pan Shaocheng and Rong Junyi.

"Okay, then you guys work hard." Chen Liya knew that she would not be of much help if she played in the battle, and completely obeyed the organization's arrangements.

Chen Wen saw that the team had been assigned, so she had no room to refuse, so she nodded, "Okay, then I will join. If the command is not good, you can just resign yourself to fate."

"Stop talking nonsense." Shu Cheng said domineeringly.

Chen Wen secretly gave Shu Cheng a white look.

The other team chose Zhang Xin as the leader, and the others entered the mud to challenge.

"Okay! The first group to challenge is our Shu Cheng team! Are you ready?" the referee asked the crowd on the muddy ground on the shore.

Chen Wen impassionedly shouted: "Get ready!"

"Okay! Three! Two! One! Start!" The referee pressed the stopwatch.

Then, Chen Wen started her command: "Shu Cheng, you first adjust to the same direction as Rong Junyi. Ok, now you all move 90 degrees to the right of your whole body."

Shu Cheng, Rong Junyi, and Pan Shaocheng are usually people who have practiced fitness, and they can easily deal with the resistance in the mud. The three of them turned around at the same time, with little effort.

And Chen Wen's command is also very clear and in place. After turning the angle, Chen Wen continued to command: "Keep parallel and stride forward. Walk sideways."

The three of them moved quickly, and they were able to complete the corresponding instructions not long after Chen Wen finished speaking.

Of course, Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi actually agreed not to look at the game settings of the quagmire when they were on the shore.

Because if they glance at it, they can instantly remember the specific location of the obstacle. It can be said that even without Chen Wen's command, they can walk out with their eyes closed.

It's just that considering the playability of the game and Pan Shaocheng next to them, they didn't look at the location of the obstacles in the quagmire from the beginning.

"Okay, there is an arched bridge in front of you now, take a step forward now, and you will come across that place." Standing on a high place, Chen Wen looked at the direction of the three of them and raised her voice.

Rong Junyi stretched out his slender legs casually, and touched the location of the arch bridge that Shu Cheng said.

Then Shu Cheng and Pan Shaocheng came across the arch bridge one after another, and they already knew the location of the arch bridge in their hearts.

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