Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng glanced at Rong Junyi with a guilty conscience: "A Xiaorong, you see that I am too popular and there is nothing I can do about it. His foreign friends are so friendly, why do you think I refuse, why do you refuse?"

"Eat." Rong Junyi said heavily.

As a result, when I just picked up the fork, a fan came again.

No, to be exact, it was a group, they were in groups, holding various peripherals in their hands, waiting for Shu Cheng to sign.

It seems that the person I just signed leaked my itinerary, damn it.

Finally, Rong Junyi couldn't take it anymore: "Let's go back to the hotel."

After saying that, he lifted Shu Cheng up, his whole body was full of anger.

The fans chased after him relentlessly, they didn't know the situation, they rushed to catch up, hoping to get an autograph before Shu Cheng left.

As a result, Rong Junyi stopped, turned his head, and looked down at the fans who were chasing after you, his cold eyes swept over them, and his voice was deep and full of unconcealable anger: "Give it to me!" Shut up."

The fans were taken aback by this. Rong Junyi's words were full of deterrence, and seemed to have cast magic power, making people feel that there was no way to refute them.

They actually listened to Rong Junyi's words, obediently stood where they were, and did not catch up any further.

"In the future, you are not allowed to come to this kind of street stall to eat again!" Rong Junyi lowered his head and said domineeringly to Shu Cheng. He originally wanted to live a two-person world with Shu Cheng. Once disturbed by these people, now he can say I lost all interest.

But after thinking about it, he wondered if his tone was a little too aggressive just now, coughed lightly, took out candy from his bosom, handed it to Shu Cheng, and expressed comfort: "Take one."

Shu Cheng's eyes lit up when he saw the candy. Speaking of which, it was several days ago that she ate this flavor of candy last time.

"Ah Xiaorong, you really understand me." Shu Cheng said with a smile while eating candy, squinting his eyes.

A piece of candy successfully brought back the fun of the two-person world.

Rongjunyi had people arrange the most upscale eight-star hotel in Africa, and the luxurious breakfast filled the whole table. Shu Cheng ate it, and felt more and more that what Rongjunyi said made sense, and he would still come to this kind of place for dinner in the future Well, I originally wanted to come to Africa to experience other people's lives casually.

Thinking about it now, let’s forget it, the table full of food is the real meaning.

Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi enjoyed their vacation time leisurely.


On the other side, Yang Linling's store released several new sets of clothes.

She has been looking for a chance to meet Zhang Qianbo again, but there has been no chance. He already has Liu Tinger as a girlfriend. If he asks him out rashly, he will definitely feel very awkward, and he may even be rejected.

Yang Linling looked at the new Hanfu on the table, turned his eyes, and suddenly had an idea, perhaps, these sets of Hanfu would be a good opportunity.

Yang Linling called Liu Tinger.

After a while, an elegant female voice rang out from the other end of the phone: "Lin Ling, hello."

"Ting'er, what have you been up to lately?" Yang Linling asked the person on the other end of the phone while holding a Hanfu in one hand.

""Immortal Sword" has finished, and I have been resting at home recently. By the way, I am learning how to make Hanfu. It just so happens that I still have a few crafts that are relatively unfamiliar, and I was thinking of asking you for advice in a few days. I didn't expect you to call me." It's gone." Liu Ting'er chuckled and spoke sweetly.

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