Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Hahaha, I'm so excited, it's so cool." Chen Wen muttered to the side, frantically calling for Shu Cheng's performance just now.

"Small idea, this game is not difficult at all. This is the last episode of the show, so it can't be so difficult?" Shu Cheng couldn't help complaining. It's no wonder the two teams just finished it so quickly and smoothly for such a pediatric game. .

"Great, Shu Cheng, we still have a chance to catch up with them, take the task card, and then let's go quickly." Chen Wen excitedly accepted the task card handed over by the referee, and said excitedly.

Shu Cheng and Rong Junyi walked together with their shoulders crossed, walking straight forward, but their pace did not speed up.

Chen Wen has no choice, whoever makes someone the boss, the boss is not in a hurry, what is there to worry about.

In this way, she silently stared at the light bulb.

Came to the second task point is Chengdu Happy World.

The referee stood there leisurely in shorts and began to announce the rules: "Now we are coming to our Que Shen Zheng Hegemony. People all over the country know that people in Sichuan love to play mahjong, and today we are going to play mahjong on the water in the hot summer." A water mahjong game inspired by the game. Our style of play is like this - first, we need to choose a challenge table with six mahjong cards. Some six mahjong cards form a pair of winning cards that conform to the rules of Sichuan style mahjong, that is, three consecutive cards of the same suit or the same suit plus a pair of cards of the same suit can form a pair of winning cards. Mahjong. Whether the players can successfully play cards depends on your strength."

Shu Cheng listened to the rules, gave a hard look, and said coldly, "What kind of challenge is this?"

For Shu Cheng, if the previous mission game was a child's game, it still had some fun anyway.

However, this time the game turned out to be to find a few tiles in the mahjong pool, and the mahjong tiles were actually mahjong played by people...

For such a speechless game rule, Shu Cheng's whole face collapsed.

Even Chen Wen, who was eager to try before, couldn't help wiping off the sweat after hearing the rules of the game. What the hell, compared with the previous challenges, this task is simply playing us?

Shu Cheng randomly found a place to sit down.

Chen Wen asked puzzledly: "Why do you want to sit down here? Shu Cheng, the other teams are almost finished."

"Then let them finish it." Shu Cheng said disdainfully.

Seeing this scene, the program crew, director Zhu Minrui came to negotiate with Shu Cheng in person.

When Shu Cheng saw him, he didn't get up and chewed his own gum.

Looking at Shu Cheng's appearance, Zhu Minrui cried out inwardly: "Shu Cheng, are you dissatisfied with this game?"

"Are you satisfied or not?" Shu Cheng raised his eyelids and glanced lightly at the other party.

"But the time is really too hasty. We have done our best to be able to prepare like this." Zhu Minrui sighed helplessly.

"This is a triwizard hegemony, and you're using this kind of game to fool me?" Shu Cheng sneered, not intending to forgive.

Thinking of the coach's relaxed and complacent look when he introduced the rules just now, Shu Cheng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Well, the game in Africa would have been a hundred times more exciting than this one, but something happened right now." Zhu Minrui shook his head helplessly, with a very regretful look.

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