Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"What? Stop? What about the contract signed before? Everyone's itinerary has been arranged. If you don't record this time, if you record another time, your schedule may not be able to be arranged." Zhu Minrui said own worries.

Shu Cheng casually changed his posture and sat: "If you think so, then I won't record this episode of the program again. Such a sloppy game setting is still the last episode of the championship game. The audience will definitely You are looking at it with the greatest enthusiasm, you are acting irresponsible to the program group."

Zhu Minrui felt very ashamed when Shu Cheng said that...

He hesitated at first, finally gritted his teeth, and decided to suspend the recording of the show and discuss with other teams.

When the other teams learned about the situation of the program group, they all expressed their support.

"I said how the game today is so simple, I can't believe it." Zhang Jing said after hearing the director's words.

"Yeah, I can't believe this is our last championship match. It's easier than any previous challenge, and it's not very interesting to play." Pan Shaocheng felt the same way.

"Originally we came here to challenge ourselves, but in the last episode we gave up on ourselves. I don't think this is what the show wants to convey to everyone, so I support the re-recording." Chen Liya said firmly.

And Zhang Xin also agreed with the decision to stop recording: "Although this episode has finally surpassed Shu Cheng once, I am really happy, but after hearing these things, I feel a bit invincible, and the game should still be released." Only by keeping the original difficulty unchanged can we reflect the level of all of us."

Seeing everyone's reactions, Zhu Minrui was both moved and ashamed.

"This time is my negligence. I shouldn't be so hasty in recording the last episode. Please give us some time. We will make improvements and bring you the original level of the game again. I will trouble you to adjust it again at that time. The release date. We will notify you again of the recording at that time."


As a result, the recording of the last challenge was postponed.

News about the delayed recording of the last episode of "The Extreme" has also spread on the Internet.

[Why is the recording delayed? No wonder when I went to Chengdu that day, I saw that there was no one at the competition site, and many props were placed in place. 】

【Is there something wrong? Is anyone hurt? 】

[However, the two episodes recorded in Africa should be broadcast soon. 】

[I heard that it was because the difficulty of the last episode was too different from the previous difficulty, so the program team temporarily adjusted it, and let the contestants challenge after the difficulty was upgraded. I heard from the director and guests that this is for the audience. It is a very responsible program, this is the real reality show, and this is the real way to spread positive energy. 】

【Ah, it’s good that people are fine. Since the challenge is going to be upgraded, it will definitely be more exciting when the time comes. Let’s wait and see, the good things are always saved for the last. 】

[Although the last issue is delayed, it should not be delayed for too long. Don't worry, everyone, support our male god and our "Extreme Speed". 】

[Wait for "Forward Speed"! ! ! 】


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