Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Tinger!" Zhang Qianbo's voice suddenly sounded behind Liu Tinger.

Liu Tinger's back froze, she turned her head in a daze, and saw Zhang Qianbo behind her.

He was standing upright, the buttons of his clothes were unbuttoned, his hair was disheveled, his beard had grown out and he hadn't shaved, and he looked haggard and lonely.

Panting heavily, he stood there against the light, looking at Liu Ting'er, joy, guilt, relaxation, distressed emotions all expressed on his face.

Time seemed to stand still, neither of them spoke, allowing the wind to mess up their hair.

"Ting'er! I finally found you." Zhang Qianbo came back to his senses, walked towards Liu Ting'er step by step, and finally sat on Liu Ting'er's left as if he was familiar with the road.

Liu Ting'er opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but found that she couldn't utter a single word.

"Ting'er. I'm sorry for making you sad and misunderstood. About that photo..." Zhang Qianbo organized this language to explain to Liu Ting'er.

"I believe in you." Liu Ting'er said before Zhang Qianbo finished speaking.

If she was still hesitating before, then when she saw Zhang Qianbo standing in front of her against the light, all her anger, grievance, and sadness seemed to have disappeared.

As long as Zhang Qianbo stands in front of her, everything is not important, she believes in him.

"But I still want to tell you that those pictures on the Internet are true. I did go out with Yang Linling. But our motives are not as dirty as the Internet says." Zhang Qianbo looked at Liu Ting'er gratefully, and was moved that she actually trust yourself.

At the same time, Zhang Qianbo took out the hairpin in his hand and handed it to Liu Ting'er.

"What is this?" Liu Ting'er looked at Zhang Qianbo suspiciously.

"Open it and have a look, this is a gift from me." Zhang Qianbo said excitedly, with a bit of complacency in his eyes.

Liu Tinger opened the gift with her slender fingers.

What appeared in front of my eyes was a delicate hairpin.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Liu Ting'er couldn't help exclaiming.

The hairpin is inlaid with a sapphire, exquisite and delicate shape, moderate length, shining in the sun, and most importantly, at the top of the hairpin, Zhang Qianbo and Zhang Qianbo are engraved stroke by stroke. Liu Tinger's name.

Looking at it, I knew that Zhang Qianbo did it himself.

Liu Ting'er raised her head in surprise, and looked at Zhang Qianbo's expectant eyes: "Did you make this yourself?"

Zhang Qianbo nodded in disbelief: "That's right. It's also the source of this misunderstanding."

Liu Ting'er sat obediently and listened.

"This gift was originally intended to be given to you on the Chinese clothing day. But because of these recent events, I had to take it out in advance. In fact, the reason why I had dinner with Yang Linling was because I was looking for her to learn how to make clothes." Hairpin." Zhang Qianbo smiled helplessly, feeling that he was really tired when facing these rumors.

During the two days he was looking for Liu Ting'er, he was going crazy.

After hearing this, Liu Ting'er's eyes were red, and she looked at Zhang Qianbo with distress: "I'm sorry, Qianbo, I was too excited at that time, so I left rashly. And I called you at that time, and Yang Linling picked it up... At that time... I was a little bit ashamed."

"Telephone?" Zhang Qianbo looked at Liu Ting'er strangely.

"Well, I called you just before I left."

Zhang Qianbo thought about it, but he had no impression at all.

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