Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Xiu excitedly gestured a few fighting moves, and the brightest smile appeared on his face during this time.

When he looked up again, he saw that Shu Cheng was looking at him, his smile gradually disappeared, and he turned his head shyly.

Taking a deep breath, she said to Shu Cheng, "Can you come with me?"

If it weren't for that childish voice, Shu Cheng felt that Xiu's sophistication would have surpassed that of an adult.

Shu Cheng led Xiu to a lounge.

Xiu sat on the sofa, his shiny black pupils were much more energetic than when he first saw Shu Cheng.

"About Oleg..." Xiu bit his lip, pondered for a while and finally opened his mouth with difficulty.

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to. I have a lot of ways to deal with Oleg." Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes and said lightly. When he looked at Xiu, there was a bit of tenderness in his eyes.

"I think, I still have to say it." Xiu's expression suddenly became firm.

"Then tell me." Shu Cheng didn't stop him, Xiu wanted to say, maybe it was another way to vent.

She thought about the children outside the door and Xiu. Although the hypnosis had been lifted, the damage Oleg brought to their hearts would be indelible in this lifetime.

"I have been brought to that base by Oleg for five years." Oleg started like this. Five years is not too long for Shu Cheng, but it is one-third of the time for Xiu at this moment. life is over.

Shu Cheng looked at him for a moment, lost the willful and ruffian feeling of the past, and looked into Xiu's eyes seriously.

"We are all the same, our families are in a difficult situation, our parents are drug addicts or divorced. Everyone's livelihood has become a problem. When Oleg said that he would take us away, we were all very excited, thinking that we would start a new life and finally have meat to eat Finally, I don’t have to worry about being in the slum anymore.” Xiu recalled the days before, with pain in his expression.

Shu Cheng knew without thinking how cruel and terrifying the African slums were. Although they were all children at the time, who would not want to be able to leave the slums? Even a three-year-old child knows that such a life is tantamount to living , There is only darkness and no light in life.

Xiu originally thought that what he left was a black hole, and Oleg could lead him to the light, but in the end he found that Oleg's training base was the more terrifying abyss.

"In the first few months, Oleg began to feed us drugs and accompany the use of drugs. Hypnotism was deeply ingrained in our minds. He put us through intensive training every day to become machines, or pets. A beastly 'pet'." Xiu raised the corners of his mouth in a self-deprecating manner, wondering if he would never have to endure those dark days again, he still felt dazed up to this moment.

Shu Cheng touched Xiu's hair with some distress, pursed his lips, and waited for him to continue talking.

"Those rich people, when the right time comes, will bring these so-called 'pets' to fight. If they lose, they will face a punishment that is a hundred times more cruel than usual training, and some even shoot directly Kill them. For them, we are just for entertainment. We have no thoughts, no ability to resist, and we can only be at the mercy of others. I have been practicing martial arts, in order to be able to fight every time such bloody activities Get out of danger."

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