The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1158 (second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Wang Dongyang looked at the script in his hand, with a wry smile on his lips. It wasn't that the script was bad, but that the script was too good, so the pressure naturally increased a lot.

Eight hundred miles of sand sea in Huangquan, lonely and desolate, without flowers and leaves. The girl Sanqi, as the next Po Meng in the underworld, was married to the ghost messenger Zhao Li by the underworld king Ah Cha. When Sanqi was born, he accidentally lost one of his seven orifices. He has a naive personality, withered appearance, and has not yet opened up his love affairs. He is often complained and rejected by Zhao officials. She stays alone in the empty and dilapidated "Meng Po Zhuang" every day, boils bitter Meng Po soup, looks up the "Yin and Yang Book" in the image of a roll of bamboo slips, and is only accompanied by a dying manjusawa. Until that day, a comprehension boy named Changsheng broke into Meng Po Village by mistake.


next morning.

"Get up, get up!" Zhong Wang rolled his eyes at Wang Dongyang, who was sleeping soundly on the upper bunk, "Did you steal a cow last night? Sleeping like a pig?"

Wang Dongyang turned over, "Sister, this weekend, why don't you let people sleep well? The script is ready, the director is Zheng Haoren, and it's in the computer mailbox."

Zhong Wang was more interested in the script than in waking up Wang Dongyang, a dead pig. He turned around, turned on the computer, and read it bit by bit.

Zhong Wang looked at the script called "Soul Ferry", his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards.

He knew that he needed such a script, he needed such a script.

This is a good script that can really justify the name of Tsinghua University!

Tears glistened in Zhong Wang's eyes, and his voice trembled because of his excitement: "It's great, it's great, it's really great..."

The first step of rectifying the name of Tsinghua University has made a good start.

Hope this time it won't disappoint everyone's expectations.

Zhong Wang turned around and looked at Wang Dongyang who was on the upper bunk, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"beng" suddenly threw a pillow over, hitting Zhong Wang's head.

Zhong Wang, who was stunned by the smash, came back to his senses, "Damn it! What are you doing!"

Wang Dongyang suddenly got up and said angrily: "Sister, you sister, Laozi just woke up a little, and saw a big man beside the bed looking at Laozi affectionately, what the hell are you saying about my mood?"

Zhong Wang blinked his eyes and looked confused: "That eye of yours has seen my tenderness?!"

"Two eyes!" Wang Dongyang turned over and jumped off the bunk, "By the way, you are not really gay, right? Let me tell you first that I don't have that hobby!"

"Get lost!" Zhong Wang stared at the sky speechlessly, Wang Dongyang was always able to wipe out the sadness he had been brewing with great difficulty.


After the two decided on the script, they went to their classmates to discuss matters related to the film. What are micro-movies?

One night passed, and Zheng Jing's resentment towards Zheng Haoren hadn't disappeared. When she saw Wang Dongyang, she began to complain, "I think I must have met a fake brother. Do you know that I gave away the script? I gave it away! I Damn it! Don't send me off?!"

Wang Dongyang laughed, "Your brother did give away the script."

"You know?"

"Because we are the ones who gave it away!" Wang Dongyang replied.

Zheng Jing's eyes widened, "I'll rely on you! Really?!"

"Golder than gold!"

"Suddenly I feel that my brother is still reliable." Zheng Jing immediately changed her words.

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