The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1187 (seventh update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shen He despises Shu Cheng very much from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he doesn't forget to think about his Russian beauties. Have you forgotten your daughter-in-law?

If Zheng Yi dared to have such flamboyant intestines, I would definitely break his legs!

Although she thought so in her heart, Shen He's work efficiency is very high. She has rich experience and can handle things in this area with ease.

Zheng Haoren looked at Shen He in admiration.

Although he has just joined rs studio not long ago, he can quickly and directly feel that everyone in rs studio is very capable, and Shen He's work efficiency is the best he has seen in so many years.

"Shen He, it seems that I can entrust you with the translation of my next script." Zheng Haoren looked at Shen He and smiled.

Shen He continued the work at hand coldly, without raising his head, he replied flatly, "That's only if I'm free."

Zheng Haoren didn't care about Shen He's indifferent tone, and spread his hands lightly.

On the contrary, Yu Zhou ran up very attentively, stood in front of Zheng Haoren, patted his chest, and said confidently: "If you want to publish it, you can give it to me. Many of my medical works have also been published. I have experience in translating into foreign languages.”

Zheng Haoren felt Yu Zhou's enthusiasm. In the rs studio, it seemed that Yu Zhou was the most enthusiastic towards him.

But for some reason, Zheng Haoren always felt that this kind of enthusiasm made him a little uncomfortable, so he smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then." Zheng Haoren nodded with a smile.

When Yu Zhou still wanted to ask Zheng Haoren out for dinner.

Zheng Haoren's phone rang suddenly, it was Zheng Jing.

Zheng Haoren frowned impatiently, guessing that he was going to bother him with some trivial matter, and this phone call definitely ended with the two of them fighting each other again.

Zheng Haoren was doing a series of mental activities in his heart, and then his slender fingers slid across the phone screen.

Answered the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter? Are you arguing with your boyfriend again? I won't comfort you this time!" Zheng Haoren just picked up the phone, and said directly to Zheng Jing on the other end of the phone .

"No!! Brother!! Come over to the crew quickly, something has happened!" Zheng Jing said anxiously to Zheng Haoren on the other end with a cry in her voice.

"What?? What happened?" Zheng Haoren's eyes widened in vain, and the impatience he had just now disappeared instantly, and his tone became tense.

He didn't even have time to say goodbye to Yu Zhou.

Stepping forward with slender legs, he walked towards the door.

While walking, he listened to Zheng Jing's incoherent description.

"Brother, ah, that's right, come here quickly! A fight is about to start here! Hurry up..." Zheng Jing was so anxious that she almost jumped up.

"What? Don't worry, calm down and tell me first." Zheng Haoren's tone softened, which was quite different from his usual sharp tongue.

Although he usually has a vicious tongue, he only has such a younger sister, and now he heard her say that something happened to him.

Zheng Haoren's nerves tensed up, wishing he could appear on the set right now.

"There is a group of people who came to compete with us for the venue! Originally, we rented the venue first, but a group of them saw that we were students, so they insisted that the venue belonged to them. We quarreled with them, but there were many people on the other side. , is throwing our props out now. There are a lot of people. It’s terrible, come here quickly!” Zheng Jing became more and more excited as she spoke, tears could no longer be stopped, and he looked at the group of restless people in front of him.

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