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"Sword of Immortal Sword" was aired for most of the time, and it set off waves of enthusiasm for "Sword of Immortal Sword" on the Internet.

[It's so annoying, so what did Lin Yueru look like in the end? 】

[Does Li Xiaoyao like Lin Yueru or our Zhao Linger? This plot makes me anxious to death! 】

[Oh my god, I'm so worried, I feel like it's going to be another sadomasochism. 】

[Why do you suddenly like the second female Lin Yueru so much? ! 】

[The plot is intertwined and exciting! I really want to watch it all at once! 】

[It’s been a long time since I’ve been following a drama, and I have the feeling that I want it to end soon, but I don’t want this drama to end so early. 】


Because "Sword of Immortal Sword" is aired twice a day, as the days go by, the finale has already ushered in more than ten days.

Jin Yuan, who was seriously injured, came to Xiaoyao and Tang Yu. Before he died, he told the power of the pendant. Two couples who were sincerely in love made a wish with the pendant, and the wish would come true, but they would turn into birds. Desiring to reshape the world, Baiyue summoned the water monster again to create a flood. Ling'er and Xiaoyao came to stop it. At this time, Anu remembered the memory of being controlled, and knew that he killed his biological father and broke Tang Yu's arm. He was in pain, but fortunately Tang Yu stopped him in time. Ling'er and Xiaoyao were gradually losing ground in the contest with the moon worship. At this time, Anu and Tang Yu each took a pendant to make a sincere wish, and recalled the power of the earth, which disintegrated the power of the moon worship, and the moon worship was also wiped out. It also turned into a bird, flying together. Ling'er killed the water monster and was seriously injured, but she still supported and returned to Xiaoyao's side, and finally died in Xiaoyao's arms.

Such an ending made many viewers cry during the broadcast.

For a while, the topic of "Sword"'s solution swept the Internet.

——"This is not the real ending! "

——"The End of Fairy Sword"

——"Is Zhao Linger really dead? "

—— "The Second Part of Chinese Paladin"

——"Zhao Linger forever in my heart! ! "

——"The Beauty of Soul in This Drama"


【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】

[Ah, ah, my Zhao Ling'er! ! ! I'm so sad, and I haven't recovered from that grief until now. 】

[It's really a classic, this ending really tortured me. 】

【Oh my god! It really made me cry miserably! Woohoo, why can't Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er be together? 】

[Heartache to the point of no hair application T T. I don't want this ending. 】

[We sometimes mistakenly think that the so-called love is to meet another self. But the truth of the matter is that the person who can clasp his hands and convey the warmth to the bottom of his heart has never been that one himself. If there is such a cynical prodigal son as Li Xiaoyao in this world,

Probably, I will only fall in love with a girl like Zhao Linger who knows how to advance and retreat in relationships. One thing down one thing, isn't that the case. Um?

The story is just a story, but it is enough to touch people's hearts. 】

[The director is too bad, why not give a comedy ending, at my age, I really look down on such abusive people! 】

[Tell me this is not true! Not really the ending! ! ! 】

[Watching TV until one o'clock in the morning, lying in bed tossing and turning, still struggling with the plot. The screenwriter shouldn't let Li Xiaoyao talk to Lin Yueru during the emotional gap. While giving her good hope that she can eat and play until she grows old, it also indicates that she will also quit the game. 】

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