Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

On the day of the opening ceremony of the island, the main system finally broke out in anger. He destroyed everything in my system, and all the memories about it disappeared.

I became a... mediocre person.

In the past few days, I have thought a lot, a lot, recalling the scenes of the past, how much belongs to me, too little, if I really count, I am afraid that only you belong to me.

So, even if it's for you, I have to cheer up.

One day I will come back, don't look for it.

— Yours, boy. "

When Shu Cheng put down his pen, he felt unprecedented ease.

I finally confessed that it was no big deal to say all this openly.

She is still the wanton and unrestrained young man.

She turned her head, took another look at the villa, turned and left, if she didn't finish her studies, she wouldn't come back.

Shu Cheng decided to start wandering outside alone.

There are really too many people who know her, so Shu Cheng found a village where the network is not as developed as in the city, and there are very few people who know her.

When Shu Cheng walked in, when the villagers saw such a tall and handsome man, they couldn't help but take a second look, but not more.

Here, Shu Cheng is also an ordinary person. There is no Rong Junyi by her side, and she has also lost the aura of stardom.

Shu Cheng walked aimlessly. If she was in the city, the money on her might be useful, but in such a remote village, Shu Cheng probably needs to find a family willing to take him in.

"Who are you?" A beautiful child's voice came from behind, clear and sweet, like the sound of heaven.

Shu Cheng turned back indifferently, only to see the boy looking at Shu Cheng warily, frowning and asking.

Shu Cheng has been lingering in front of his house for a long time.

The little boy was inevitably wary of Shu Cheng.

"I'm not from your village." Shu Cheng said word by word. She had never been so embarrassed before, and she still seemed a little uncomfortable when looking at the boy.

"Then what are you doing here?" The boy saw that Shu Cheng was so good-looking and well-spoken, he didn't seem to be a bad person, and gradually relaxed his vigilance.

"I..." Shu Cheng rolled his eyes, thinking about how to explain to the little boy.

"You have no place to live? The little boy blinked his eyes cleverly, with a clear feeling.

Shu Cheng had never been so embarrassed before. Being exposed, she coughed lightly and said, "I'm here to experience life. Can your family let me experience it?"

The little boy secretly smiled, his clear eyes looked at Shu Cheng for a moment, as if he was sizing up his identity.

Shu Cheng also stood there, letting him watch.

Finally, the little boy spoke again: "Okay. Then you can live at my house. Anyway, my parents are not here."

Shu Cheng was startled, it seems that he is a left-behind child.

Shu Cheng didn't say anything, and followed him into the dilapidated hut.

"By the way, what's your name?" the little boy asked while dusting off the old wooden planks.

"Shu Cheng." Shu Cheng said deeply, "What about you? What's your name?"

"Brother Shu Cheng, then you can just call me Daizuan."

Shu Cheng chuckled, and it was really interesting to call himself Brother Shu Cheng.

This little kid doesn't recognize his birth at all.

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