The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1244 She's Back (Part 5)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng stopped in his tracks, looking at the stage a little panicked.

Zhou Ziqian also noticed the figure who wanted to leave in the auditorium, his face could not be seen clearly under the dim light.

The director also shone the light in Shu Cheng's direction, and she instantly became everyone's focus.

At that moment, Zhou Ziqian was almost certain that that person was Shu Cheng.

He hurriedly picked up the microphone, his voice urgent, "Is that you?"

The music starts.

Dai Zuan's singing sounded, and Shu Cheng in the audience remained calm, neither answering nor responding.

"Stage?" Shu Cheng said in a deep voice, these words were meant for Dai Zuan, but also for himself.

She has slowly learned something now, and she has slowly let go of her former honor and pride in standing on a high ground.

The current self, if he continues to hide in this village and does not go out, he is a coward, a coward who hides here to escape the rest of his life.

But at that time, the main god system asked her, even if she learned it, would she not have fame and fortune? She also chose to study.

So... It is tantamount to giving up the opportunity to stand on the stage.

Shu Cheng smiled wryly and closed her eyes, does she belong on the stage?

Dai Zuan was singing all the time, and Shu Cheng didn't stand up, but just sat silently under the stage, and the audience around him looked at him curiously.

"Who said you won't be allowed to go on stage?" The voice of the main god system sounded without any warmth at the right time.

Surprise flashed in Shu Cheng's eyes.

"Congratulations on your graduation." The main god system said, "This is their decision."

The people who had been plagiarized by Shu Cheng had taught her in the system space for thirty years. They all knew how ambitious Shu Cheng was, but for the sake of love, she would rather give up the fame and fortune she wanted.

That's why they taught her.

Today's Shu Cheng is no longer a system with a physical body, she is a real person.

Thirty years of non-stop practice in the system space, being abused and insulted, Shu Cheng never said a word, never said a word of suffering, never said a word about being tired.

She will only keep asking them how to create music and how to create a miracle with words.

"Go to the stage that belongs to you, don't embarrass us." The voices of everyone in the mind sounded.

Shu Cheng smiled instantly.

She suppressed it for three years, and kept studying for three years, cherishing every minute and every second, just to wait for one day to come back, even if she can't stand on the stage, even if she doesn't have fame and fortune.

As long as she can still sing, she can also write.

With tears in her eyes, she whispered, "Thank you."

thank you all.

The main god system was silent for a moment, "We are leaving."

Shu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, want... to leave?

"The moment you became a human, you changed the balance of this world. That's why I formatted you." The cold voice of the main god system sounded, "But what is unexpected is that you really have human emotions and love on these human things."

"When I formatted you, I even thought that you would give up on yourself for the rest of your life, but you didn't."

"Congratulations, you have made history."

Shu Cheng chuckled, "Is it the first system to become a human?"

"You will create a history." The voice of the main god system became farther and farther away, "Go and stand on the stage."

At the scene, Dai Zuan's singing continued, and his eyes kept looking at Shu Cheng in the audience.

"Thank you." Shu Cheng stood up and walked slowly towards the stage, with his hands still in the pockets of the dark windbreaker and a smile in the corner of his eyes.

She has come back.

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