The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 127 Whose routine is deep (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Zhou Yaoyu was stunned for a moment, recalling what he blurted out just now, and made himself laugh. With the joke just now, the atmosphere of the three of them became much more relaxed, and Wu Dong and Shu Cheng gradually lost the freshness they had just met.

"By the way, do you know the mission card?" Shu Cheng seemed to remember something, and looked at the two of them with a frown, "Just now I went to find brother Ziqian, and he said that we have mission cards or something. I have been looking for it for a long time. could not find it."

Zhou Yaoyu and Wu Dong looked at each other, "What task card?"

Shu Cheng ravaged his short black hair, and said in a muffled voice, "I don't know. Brother Ziqian didn't tell me. I searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Even the camera brother didn't talk to me."

Wu Dong seemed to remember something, said something to Zhou Yaoyu, and rushed back to his room. Fu Hao, an old fox, might have discovered the mission card a long time ago, maybe even his mission card was tampered with by him .

Zhou Yaoyu patted Shu Cheng on the shoulder with a laugh, "This buddy can't help you anymore, I'm going to look for my task card."

Shu Cheng lowered his head, and went back to his room quietly.

Zhou Yaoyu rubbed his nose, went straight back to his room, searched around in the room, and finally found the task card in a corner.

Zhou Yaoyu pinched the task card with his fingers, his handsome face was facing the camera, and his voice was full of trembling, "Did you see it?!"

"Have you seen?!"

"What is strength? This is strength!" Zhou Yaoyu danced in front of the camera, "Did you see it? Legendary strength!"

"To be honest, you don't need to admire me too much!" Zhou Yaoyu brushed his hair and raised the corners of his mouth quite narcissistically: "Brother is a legend!"

"It means that Shu Cheng's idiot son from the landlord's family can't find the task card!" Zhou Yaoyu was still chattering in front of the camera, so that the director team behind the scenes couldn't bear to tell him the truth of the matter.

If Shu Cheng is really the stupid son of the landlord's family, what about you?

The little fool who was tricked by the landlord's youngest son? No, it's a big fool.

Shu Cheng closed the door, found a random place to sit down, and sat quietly.

Shu Cheng's dark eyes were stained with a smile, he yawned, tilted his head, and his lazy voice floated into the ears of the big cameraman: "He will come to me in a while."

Cameraman: ... what? ! (? ◇?)?

"Zhou Yaoyu will definitely come to me."

Cameraman: ... what? ! Why? ! 〈(゜.゜)

Zhou Yaoyu paused, and carefully looked at the mission card and identity card.

[Identity: Prince (murderer)]

Zhou Yaoyu narrowed his eyes, thinking, that old fox Fu Hao must have discovered the mission card long ago, Zhou Ziqian also discovered the mission card...

The program team will definitely not arrange a stupid son of a landlord's family to be the crown prince, so his goals are Fu Hao, Zhou Ziqian, Wu Dong and Shu Cheng.

Zhou Yaoyu narrowed his eyes. According to the pissing nature of the program group, maybe Shu Cheng was really made the crown prince, so did he eliminate Shu Cheng first? !

In a daze, he recalled that when Shu Cheng and Director Yan left, he had swornly told Director Yan that it was all right, Shu Cheng was still under his protection!

Zhou Yaoyu frowned, that's all, let's help the boy!

It is estimated that the stupid son of the landlord's family would be the first to be eliminated by a group of old foxes without his rescue!

On the other side, Shu Cheng opened his eyes, with a smile on his lips: "He's here."

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