Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Ah Choo!" Shu Cheng rubbed his nose, "Man, I always feel that Pipi is getting skinny again."

"Normal." Rong Junyi raised his eyebrows, "Your son."


the other side.

Rong Congbai chatted with everyone familiarly, kept acting cute and acting like a baby, pretending to be cute, so cute that everyone couldn't help but want to give him all the best things in the world.

"Little cutie, come here, this is the lollipop my sister gave you."

"I have them here too, cutie."

"Little cutie, we met for the first time, and my brother didn't prepare any gifts. This is my brother's collection of Transformers. Here, I will give it to you."

"Little cutie, you..."

The heartthrob cutie Rong Congbai used Shu Cheng as an excuse to politely decline everyone's kindness. He is a gentleman and polite, but he is not cute. Everyone is overflowing with maternal love.

"Uncle, may I know who are the friends who participated in the show with me?" Rong Congbai asked.


Hearing this sentence, Rong Congbai raised the corners of his mouth, and wanted to take out a lollipop from his pocket to give to his uncle, but suddenly remembered that the lollipop was snatched away by his black hearted son and mother, and the corners of his mouth were a little bit awkward for a moment. Slight pumping.

The cameraman noticed Rong Congbai's small movements, and took pictures of this scene calmly, always feeling that there was something inside.

Rong Congbai raised his head and looked at his uncle, showing off his cuteness with a cute face.

"As for you, there will be five little friends, the youngest son of Mr. Song Wang Yuanwei, the youngest son of the model Tuda Wang's family... the youngest daughter of Yi Yingdi's family..."

When he heard the youngest son in front, Xiao Rong Cong Bai obviously didn't show any expression, until he heard about "the youngest daughter of Yiyingdi's family", the corner of Rong Cong Bai's mouth twitched.

The "silly white sweet" uncle who spoke naturally did not notice Xiaorong Congbai's expression, only the cameraman who had been filming raised the corners of his lips slightly.

The son of a certain "male god" is indeed extraordinary.


The outside world was arguing about Rong Congbai's participation in the show.

Almost no one believed that the "national male god" would bring his son to participate in the show. Shu Cheng and his wife did not lack money and did not need attention, so naturally they did not need to rely on their children to gain attention like other celebrities.

[Feng Shao V: Wait for me to post a Weibo slap in the face. 】

[Strong man, you are pregnant: Wait for me to post a Weibo slap in the face. 】

[Miss Tang Family: Wait for me to post a Weibo slap in the face. 】

[An Rumian: Wait for me to post a Weibo slap in the face. 】


Everyone in the program team is staring blankly at the castle.

They were so surprised that they didn't know what to say, maybe the rich people they saw before were all fake?

"Uncle and aunt, do you want some water?"

The heartthrob cutie Rong Congbai is extremely elegant, gentleman, polite and demeanor, just like a little prince.

Only Shu Cheng was playing with his mobile phone, watching the actions of a certain kid, and the corner of his mouth twitched. She had never enjoyed such a good treatment.

This is probably a fake son.

The next moment, Shu Cheng pulled out a song from the music on his mobile phone, and directly pulled the progress bar past the intro.

Rong Congbai is taking care of the guests as a gentleman.

The singing sounded.

"Simply speak in a simpler way, please omit the progressive emotions, you are not an actor..."

Rong Cong Baiyouyou turned his head to look at his own Goddess Keng'er.

Shu Cheng was lying on the sofa, raising eyebrows at his son, lazy and handsome.

Rong Congbai: "..."

How did her mother become an international superstar?

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