Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Mengmeng can be said to be super real, please stop bouncing around under Mengmeng's Weibo all day long, please? Mengmeng is the best. I really don’t know what quality a certain fan has. She hates this and that all day long. Doesn’t our family’s Mengmeng look a bit like that certain fan? Every day under Weibo bb, a group of zz! 】

In the afternoon of the same day, Jiang Yimeng released her new song in a low-key manner.

Without any preliminary work, Weibo simply advertised.

Jiang Yimeng's fans began to praise her endlessly, saying that she was low-key and real.

Shu Cheng fans frowned, a little dissatisfied, rational fans let out a heck in their hearts, and tried not to say anything on the surface, but many fans directly started to complain.

[jrm got angry at the beginning because of that face that was similar to our male god, and then a large manuscript touted her as a top student. In terms of a top student, is she comparable to a male god? In terms of writing lyrics and composing music, how can she compare with our male god? Obviously she became popular because of our male god, if she didn't have that face similar to that of a male god, who would pay attention to her! 】

[And what the hell is that song of hers! Forgive me for listening to it once and then I don’t want to listen to it again. What the hell is singing, is she kidding me? All kinds of drafts also said that she crushed the male god? 】

[Compare her with the male god, why! She doesn't want to be tied up with our male god, so let her fans not mention us! Don't post some selfies that look like male gods from an angle! She's obviously a scheming bitch, what the hell are you talking about, are you blind? 】

Rong Congbai drank his milk and watched the netizens' fight with great interest, and silently gave a thumbs up to all the true love fans who hate people.

No one expected that at this time, Shu Cheng posted a Weibo.

[Shu Cheng V: The new song for the new album is finished, and Mr. X rewarded him with a lollipop (silently wondering if Mr. X is about to go bankrupt)

Should I come out more to raise a daughter-in-law? It seems that it is not good to eat soft rice all the time. 】

One Weibo, two explosive messages.

Shu Cheng's new album is ready!

Keeping a low profile, Shu Cheng, who has been quietly focusing on music, film, film and literature works, is going to do more activities!

Of course, some people also thought that Jiang Yimeng released a new song today, and then Shu Cheng posted on Weibo to announce the news of the new song, saying that he would not keep a low profile for the time being. This was clearly a deliberate attempt to slap Jiang Yimeng in the face!

The Shu Cheng fan who has been getting angry all the time is happy.

Jiang Yimeng's fans and many passers-by who had heard about the Blessed Mother came to hate him.

[Is Shu Cheng going too far! Did Jiang Yimeng provoke you? It's not her fault that she looks like you. She just released a new song today and you just send a message saying that your new song is ready. If you are so aggressive and use big names, it turns out that I have been wrong about you all this time! 】

[Today this matter really turned dark for me. I have never liked Shu Cheng's way of handling things, it was too sharp, but this time it was really too much. Someone else is a little girl who loves music so much, isn't it because of being Calling Xiao Shucheng attracted your attack. 】

"Who is Jiang Yimeng?" Shu Cheng looked at a bunch of inexplicable comments, and there was no sarcasm in his tone, just a question.

Rong Congbai played with his mobile phone, shrugged, "Check it yourself."

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes, and directly searched "Jiang Yimeng" on Weibo.

Forgive her for not really knowing who Jiang Yimeng is.

Shu Cheng flipped through Weibo, chewed on a lollipop, and raised his eyebrows: "Oh, there are so many scenes."

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