The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 1290 Extra Story Parent-child Show 25

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Everyone was stunned.

Including Shu Cheng.

Rong Congbai is not someone who will sympathize with others when he sees them being pitiful, and give up his own interests to others.

Everything has to be paid.

He paid much more than others.

At an age when other children are comfortable, he has already matured.

Rong Congbai knew that even if he chose the room that looked the best at the moment, no one present would blame him.

He deserves it.

However, he just chose the worst room.


Rong Congbai raised his eyebrows, "I like it."

Shu Cheng didn't speak, just smiled, and finally Yi Chu happily chose the best one, Yuan Wei and Tutu were also quite happy.

After choosing a house, everyone split up to find a house for their own living.

Shu Cheng walked on the way to find the house where they lived, without asking why. She also knew that even if she asked, the child wouldn't say anything if she didn't want to.

Rong Congbai blinked, who can say that the house that looks the worst on the surface is not the best? His mommy was really too lazy to use her brain because of being raised by a certain man.

The process of finding a house is to keep chatting with the folks in the village. Obviously, Shu Cheng's fame and Rong Congbai's strong social skills quickly established a good relationship with the old men, mothers and children in this area.

Rong Congbai, a handsome gentleman, is easy to gain the favor of others, and he laughed like crazy after taking a photo with the photographer.

On the surface, he looks like a gentleman, but secretly he is arrogant and cute.

Sometimes a cool look, but it is so cute that it pokes the girl's heart.

The photographer and photographer even anticipated how popular the young master would be after the show was broadcast.

The folks were so enthusiastic, it took Shu Cheng and Rong Congbai a long time to finally arrive at the place where they lived.

Really, it looks more dilapidated than it looks in the photos.

However, there is a fruit tree.

When the two entered the house, Shu Cheng was slightly surprised, Rong Congbai raised his eyebrows.

The script, he guessed.

Look at things, not at the surface.

A house that looks dilapidated may not be really dilapidated.

What's more, this is participating in the show.

Creating a contrast is the highlight of the program arrangement.

Rong Congbai dragged a small suitcase and began to pack it.

Shu Cheng smiled, knowing that the kid would not suffer.

Leaving the good house to the little girl Yi Chu, it will be much easier for a certain brat to flirt with his sister. Not to mention, the little girl will still have to treat him well, and she won't suffer a loss.

In the evening, the program group arranged for the adults to arrange a sumptuous dinner for the children.

The corner of Shu Cheng's mouth twitched, thinking that the show crew was here to mess with her.



The moment he saw the task card, Rong Cong Bai's mouth twitched.

Shu Cheng do it for him?

What international joke?

It's better to say that he did it for Shu Cheng...

Under the surprised gaze of the cameraman, Rong Congbai walked into the kitchen.

Cameraman: "Do you cook in your family?"

Rong Congbai glanced at Shu Cheng, but didn't say much.

A task is a task.

"The mission requirement is that the adults prepare dinner for the children, so Shu Cheng must do it himself."

Rong Congbai smiled slightly: "...As Shu Cheng's fans, you must also want to try her handicraft?"

Everyone: "..."

Rong Congbai suppressed his voice, and imitated how the group of people saw Shu Cheng when they first met Shu Cheng: "Ah~ male god, I like you so much, can you sign me? Ah~ I finally saw a real person, really So handsome~ I’m willing to do anything Shu Cheng asks me~”

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