Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

the next day.

"Among the five of you, one is the murderer who murdered King ST, and the other is the heir appointed by the king."

Everyone observed everyone's expression when they heard this sentence, and secretly speculated in their hearts.

"Before King ST was murdered, he left a clue for everyone, and you need to discover it yourself."

"In addition, King ST left a group of guards for the princes to protect your safety and help you find the murderer."

As soon as the words fell, I heard a clear female voice, "Hi, hello everyone!"

I saw the woman walking over Yanyan Yanyan, she was so beautiful, her simple clothes couldn't hide her charm, her steps were elegant and calm.

"Wow—" the audience was in an uproar, bursts of exclamation.

"Sister Lu!" Zhou Yaoyu was dumbfounded, "Why are you here?!"

"Hey, haven't you never participated in variety shows?" Fu Hao laughed.

Shu Cheng's dark eyes flashed a hint of amusement, Bai Lu won the Best Actress again and again.

Bai Lu smiled heartily, and brushed her hair with her hands: "When the last season of "Show Time" was broadcast, I saw you guys soaring in acting skills, so I wanted to come and have fun. Watching it is really super enjoyable!"

"It's not only enjoyable to watch, but even more enjoyable to play!" Zhou Ziqian also laughed.

Shu Cheng smiled, and noticed the man behind them who wanted to sneak up on them.

The man noticed Shu Cheng's gaze, put his index finger on his lips, and signaled her to keep quiet.

Shu Cheng glanced at Bai Lu, who had clearly noticed the man, but helped the man deliberately attract everyone's attention, raised the corners of her lips, and smiled wickedly.

The boy took out a candy from his bag, pointed at the candy with the other finger, and stretched out five fingers to compare a number.

The man raised his eyebrows and made an OK gesture.

The young man turned his head, put his hands in his pockets, and pretended not to notice anything. Han Dongnuo is another talented actor. Because of his appearance, he can only play some supporting roles and clowns, and has won the title of Best Supporting Actor many times. .

Han Dongnuo suddenly stood up, covered Wu Dong's eyes, and deliberately lowered his voice: "Guess who I am?"

Han Dongnuo winked at Fu Hao and Zhou Ziqian.

Fu Hao and Zhou Ziqian, two thousand-year-old foxes, glanced at each other, smiling and waiting to see the good show that came down.

"Hey, Han Dongnuo should bring his IQ with him when he goes out! I'm afraid you'll scare others, your IQ is touching!" Although Wu Dong was covered with his eyes, he guessed the identity of the visitor right away.

Han Dongnuo froze for a moment, then let go of the hand covering Wu Dong's eyes, "I'll go, how do you know?!"

Wu Dong pointed to his head with his index finger, and looked at Han Dongnuo with a smile: "Hahaha, I advise this season's "show time" to say that being an enemy of me will be the reason for your failure. I come out when I have fully recharged IQ!"

Zhou Ziqian glanced at him and narrowed his eyes dangerously, "Really?"

"Why, are you envious?" Wu Dong raised his head proudly.

Zhou Yaoyu walked up to Shu Cheng, patted Shu Cheng's shoulder, and said to the young man earnestly, "Stay away from these bastards from now on."


After winning the Best Actress Bai Lu for consecutive years, the veteran actor Han Dongnuo, the veteran actor Ma Yuchuan, and the new generation actor Xing Le, the arrival of four guests made the show officially begin.

After everyone recounted the past, the director also began to speak, "Among the four guards guarding you, there is an undercover murderer hidden..."

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