Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The boy walked in the front, with his hands in his pockets, but his eyes kept paying attention to the clues around him.

Zhou Yaoyu hummed a song, rummaged around, looking extremely stupid, Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, the smile on the corner of his mouth became thicker, and an unknown light shone in his dark eyes.

Han Dongnuo and Bai Lu paid attention to the boy's expression along the way, and they looked in the direction of the boy's line of sight.

Zhou Yaoyu is joking and joking all the way, which is no different from usual, but it is intriguing that Zhou Yaoyu still behaves like this in this game.

Bai Lu didn't believe how stupid a person who could reach a high position in the entertainment industry could be. It could be seen that everyone present was not simple, including that seemingly harmless boy.

Shu Cheng glanced at Zhou Yaoyu, with a trace of interest in his eyes, just now Zhou Yaoyu stuffed a clue in his bag while many people were watching him!

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, looked at Zhou Yaoyu who was still searching everywhere, strode forward and patted him on the shoulder, "Hey, Brother Zhou, don't look for it, how could the program crew put clues in such a place, besides You’ve searched for so long, you probably can’t find it.”

Zhou Yaoyu patted his head and smiled, his face was clueless, "It seems to be true."

Shu Cheng's smile deepened, and he whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Brother Zhou, naturally everyone should share the clue."

Zhou Yaoyu still had a silly smile on his face, "What are you talking about? What clues?"

"You don't suspect that I swallowed the clues alone?!" Zhou Yaoyu's eyes widened, "How is it possible, who is your brother Zhou, and you don't know who you get along with like this?"

The cameraman who witnessed all this: ...?д?

It's all a trick...

all fake……

They are all smiling tigers...

This social routine is too deep...

Shu Cheng looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "How about we exchange identity information? As a partner, you make me feel very insecure!"

After a moment of contemplation, Zhou Yaoyu opened his mouth and answered, "I am the prince."

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, put a piece of candy in his mouth, and said vaguely: "I am also the prince."

Zhou Yaoyu noticed the suspicion in the boy's eyes, and made a stop gesture, "Xiao Chengzi, between people, there should be a little basic trust..."

"Oh." The boy chewed the candy, "There is a relationship between people."

What Zhou Yaoyu wanted to say was instantly blocked, he blinked, and stood there in a daze.

"Baby Shucheng, what about being each other's little angel as promised?!"

Shu Cheng chewed the candy, "Clue."

"Baby Shu Cheng, there should be a little trust between people."

Shu Cheng rolled his eyes, "Clue."

"Baby Shucheng...the baby really has no clue..."

Shu Cheng smiled, "Oh."

Bai Lu and Han Dongnuo noticed the side where they were talking, and they glanced at each other, then Han Dongnuo walked up and smiled, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, this bastard insisted that there was a clue in this place where he had been digging for so long, so I reminded him, and he was still stubborn with me..." Shu Cheng chewed candy, putting his hands in his pockets.

Han Dongnuo patted Zhou Yaoyu's shoulder, "Xiao Chengzi is still young, let him be more, besides, what clues can there be in this place?"

"I...I..." Zhou Yaoyu frowned and wanted to explain, "I really didn't..."

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