The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 141 Everything Is a Routine (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The people who were eliminated in the background couldn't help but burst into laughter seeing Zhou Ziqian's bewildered expression.

"Hahahaha!" Wu Dong laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up, he said to the others, "Dude, how good is your acting in the end?!"

"I knew Zhou Ziqian, an old fellow, had no chance to kill me, so I took the initiative to let him kill me, and let him be proud for a while!"

"Look, let him yell at me, let him mock my IQ, look at the present, it's the end!"

"Are you confused?! Are you stupid?!"


Wu Dong's bragging voice was heard throughout the backstage, Zhou Yaoyu rolled his eyes, "Cut!"


"That's not what you said when you just came in! Wait, let me think about what you said before?" Zhou Yaoyu pretended to recall, imitating Wu Dong's tone: "That old fox Zhou Ziqian is simply too shameless It’s gone! It’s actually bombing!”

"Boy, can you die if you dismantle my platform?!" Wu Dong stood up from the sofa, clenched his hands into fists, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Zhou Yaoyu.

When Zhou Yaoyu saw Wu Dong's fist, he faltered instantly: "Hey, Angkor, how can I do that?!"

"That's about the same!" Wu Dong snorted coldly.

Fu Hao was still thinking about some things in this game, squinted his eyes, and questioned: "Zhou Yaoyu...why are you the prince?"

Zhou Yaoyu also frowned, "I don't know, my identity card says the murderer, I think Zhou Ziqian should be the first to find the task card, and then went to my room to change my task card."

"Then what's that blank clue card of yours?"

"I don't know either……"


On the other side, Zhou Ziqian looked at the cameraman in bewilderment, his eyes full of doubts.

"What is the program group doing?!"

"Mr. Chu also has bug skills?!"

"Won't announce the crown prince is out?!"

"Won't announce that the prince is out?" Shu Cheng looked at Zhou Ziqian in front of him with a smile, chewing on this sentence repeatedly, as if hearing something funny, he laughed in a low voice.

Shu Cheng shrugged, raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Zhou Ziqian with a smile on his face, and stretched out two fingers with a slight smile in his eyes: "Twice."

Zhou Ziqian was taken aback, twice? !

What's the meaning? !

Wait... Zhou Ziqian's pupils widened suddenly, everyone only had two chances to kill someone!

He killed the guard Ma Yuchuan before, and then he solved the prince Wu he has no chance to kill now!

"Then why did you agree to guess the game just now?" Zhou Ziqian asked depressedly.

Shu Cheng chewed the candy, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and his lazy voice sounded: "It's fun!"


Zhou Ziqian was struck by lightning, and there was a sentence in his heart that he didn't know whether to say it or not.

"Undercover Zhou Ziqian is out!"


"Undercover Zhou Ziqian is out!"


"Undercover Zhou Ziqian is out!"

Zhou Ziqian smiled wryly and listened to the notification sound, this boy is really black-bellied!

"Congratulations to Chu Jun Shu Cheng for killing the murderer!"


"Congratulations to Chu Jun Shu Cheng for killing the murderer!"


"Congratulations to Chu Jun Shu Cheng for killing the murderer!"


"Congratulations to Chu Jun Shu Cheng for killing all the princes who coveted the throne and ascending to the throne!"


"Congratulations to Chu Jun Shu Cheng for killing all the princes who coveted the throne and ascending to the throne!"


"Congratulations to Chu Jun Shu Cheng for killing all the princes who coveted the throne and ascending to the throne!"

Zhou Yaoyu, Fu Hao and Wu Dong in the background couldn't help being stunned when they heard the last prompt, so Shu Cheng's original task was to get rid of them? !

I go! Hidden too well, right? !


I just called, and there are still a few chapters that have not been coded, and may be updated later.

Don't wait, everyone, go to bed early.

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