The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 153 Love talk boy (3rd watch)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Open the door, will you?"

Shu Cheng heard the begging voice of the man outside the door, the boy raised his eyebrows, his dark eyes were dark, his heart skipped a beat, why did this man ever do this?

"Open the door, okay?" Rong Junyi stood outside the door, the corners of his lips pursed slightly, and a gleam of firmness flashed through his eyes as dark as obsidian.


The young man turned the handle, and the man standing at the door of the room stared at Shu Cheng with a pair of agate-like eyes on his handsome face, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and he was holding a handful of roses in his hand.

"How many women have you played with?" The young man glanced at the delicate and charming rose, his tone was not heavy, and the light words, the momentum all over his body, gave people invisible pressure, but it was a pity that she was facing Rong Junyi. .

"No." Rong Junyi replied, staring at Shu Cheng's eyes.

"Oh?" The boy narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The man looked at the young man and frowned slightly, "Do you know that you can get out of my sight, but you can never get out of my longing for you? You can stay away from my figure, but you can never get away from my deep love for you." concern."

The corners of the young man's bright red lips were raised, listening to the man's love words, his jade hands played with the short hair on his forehead.

The man didn't respond when he saw Shu Cheng, "You are like the petals covered with dew, bringing me a room full of fragrance; you are like the pigeon whistle across the blue sky, bringing me peace of mind and pursuit. Hold you It is a kind of joy, kissing you is a kind of intoxication, loving you is a kind of unforgettable, so I will use my whole life to exchange for this feeling! To the world, you are a person; but to me, You are my whole world..."

The young man stared at Rong Junyi's dark eyes with a smile, and she yawned while she was lazily standing, and closed the door all at once, "I said I was going to sleep."

Rong Junyi hugged the rose, stood at the door of the room in a daze, frowning, seems useless...what should I do?

Would you like to try saying a few more words?

The man stood at the door talking endlessly: "Loving you is like breathing, teach me how to stop? I want to be you, see what you see, love what you love. My heart that loves you will not change until the end of the world .Can you let me learn to take care of you, and then you love me again..."

The boy stayed in the room and smiled like a cat stealing fish. She naturally knew this man's temperament, but she wanted to coax her with just this trick, what joke?

It took her so long to sleep with a man, and this time she finally found an excuse to tease him and not let her play enough, how could she stop?


"...I don't know how to write Changchangdijiu, I only know how to write your name, a thousand times ten thousand times!"

Shu Cheng stayed in the room, listening to the man's more and more love words, with a sinister smile on the corner of his red lips, that's not enough!


Rong Junyi came downstairs and dialed Lu Xiao's cell phone again with a dark face.

"Why doesn't it work?" Rong Junyi's voice was dangerous, which made Lu Xiao feel cold all over.

Lu Xiao held the phone steady, "Girls, they all like to be more romantic, don't keep a straight face all day long, how can you please girls like this?!"

"Actually, tell me, you just take off your clothes and knock people down **** is more effective than anything else!"

"Don't people often say, quarrel at the head of the bed and fight at the end of the bed?"

"..." Rong Junyi heard Lu Xiao's excited voice, and glanced at the closed door upstairs.

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