The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 181 4*100m Relay Race (Part 1) (2 in 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, and there was a playful smile in his dark eyes, "You are very smart."

Mai Tang was taken aback, narrowed his eyes slightly, and put on a smile again on his face, "Brother Shu, where is it, how can it be compared to you who have the talent to manage the world at a young age, the wisdom to establish the country and the country, handsome, personable, Immortal wisdom is in the sky, brave, wise and powerful, extraordinary intellect, as wise as Kongming..."

"Stop!" Shu Cheng rolled his eyes.

Mai Tang Shixiang closed his mouth, but there was still a flattering look in his eyes.

"Perhaps I should let you take a day trip to the lotus pond, and you should be able to learn to shut up!" Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, looking at Maitang with his dark eyes, and there was a sinister smile on the corner of his red lips.

Mai Tang was stunned for a moment, recalling the scene where he went to trouble Shu Cheng before the competition, he caused Shu Cheng a lot of trouble one after another, but the boy just smiled and easily avoided...

In the end, the boy had had enough fun, and he didn't even show his face. Shu Cheng let him play a "one-day trip to the lotus pond", and when he got up by himself, Shu Cheng loosened his muscles and bones...

It's not that Mai Tang has never seen someone who can fight, but he has never seen a boy who can finish it so easily after wasting a lot of energy.

Mai Tang covered his mouth with his hand, making a gesture of zipping.

Shu Cheng nodded in satisfaction, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


next morning.

"Shu Cheng, you are in charge of the last shot." Xu Hao ordered, "Your long jump is so good, it shouldn't be a problem to be in charge of the last shot, right?"

Shu Cheng's dark eyes were deep, a faint smile rose from the corner of his lips, he put his hands in his coat pockets, and nodded slightly.

"Please come to the venue for the senior high school players participating in the 4*100m relay and get ready."

"Please come to the venue for the senior high school players participating in the 4*100m relay and get ready."

"Please come to the venue for the senior high school players participating in the 4*100m relay and get ready."

Xu Hao listened to the notification sound in his ear, said a few words of cheer to the boys participating in the relay competition, and asked everyone to go to the competition venue.

Shu Cheng didn't pay attention to Xu Hao's intentions, and followed him leisurely.

The moment Shu Cheng turned around, Xu Hao's face darkened. After calling Mai Tang yesterday, he always felt that something was wrong.

Even if Mai Tang is doing things for others, he will not show his face in front of the people he wants to deal with. He likes to do things in the dark so that no one will find out.

Mai Tang hates trouble, and he never shows his face when doing things, because it will always cause him trouble afterwards.


Xu Hao's face was so dark that water dripped out, so...Maitang now...should be from Shu Cheng's side, right?

No wonder there was no movement yesterday.

Xu Hao glanced at the young man smiling provocatively at him in the arena, his fists clenched and his veins bulging.

"Huh—" Xu Hao took a deep breath, and glanced at the lazily standing boy over there, his dark eyes wondering what he was thinking.

"It seems that there are unexpectedly many people in the 4*100-meter auditorium today!" A girl said with emotion.

Another boy answered, "Didn't Shu Cheng set the world record in the long jump yesterday? He's so athletic, he shouldn't be far behind in running!"

"I just came to see my handsome face!" Another girl said with a smile.

"Wuli male god must be very powerful!"

"Yes, yes, the male god is so strong! It must be very powerful!"

"That's right, he's so good at studies, so good at sports, he can sing and act, and most importantly, he's so handsome!"

"It's all-powerful!"

"He is God's own son!"

"Is such a perfect person still human?!"

"It's so perfect, how can we ordinary people live?!"

"Don't expect too much, long jump doesn't mean running is also good. When you Shu Cheng loses, you will probably cry."

"That's right, long jump doesn't mean running is also good. No one is perfect. You guys really think of him as almighty!"

"That's right! A bunch of brainless fans!"

With a bang, the game officially started.

Shu Cheng was lazily standing on the field, watching Xu Hao's expression with his dark eyes, and raised the corners of his red lips, hoping that Xu Hao could do something fun and not disappoint people too much!

"Why is the male god in a daze! It's time for him to relay!" A girl frowned, "Hey, what's the matter with the male god?!"

"Hey! What's going on!"

"Don't you know this is a competition?! What's going on with the male god!"

"Isn't that where their class is? Why is the male god looking there!" Another girl answered.

"You, Shu Cheng, are probably going to lose. The other classes are already ahead of their top two competitors. Shu Cheng is still in a daze, so you probably will lose." A boy said with a frown.

"Look over there, it's already the last bar!" The girl pointed her finger at a class on the field.

"Shu Cheng is definitely going to lose, she's too far behind!" The boy shook his head and directly came to a conclusion.

"I believe in Wuli God!"

"Male god, you are the best!"

"Male god, you are the best!"

Shu Cheng turned her head, raised her eyebrows and looked at the third runner running towards her, and estimated the time when the boy ran over.

The boy who ran at the front smiled and looked at the direction of the finish line. He won, and he will win soon!

The boy buried his head in the direction of the finish line, just a little bit, just a little bit, and won immediately!

Immediately... win!




As the boy ran forward, he felt a gust of wind blowing by his side, and heard the shocked screams and applause in his ears.

The boy frowned slightly, didn't pay attention to these details, and only cared about running to the finish line.

The boy crossed the finish line, ran a few more meters, and took a few steps.

Several students in the class brought water to the boy, patted the boy on the shoulder, and said, "I don't blame you for this competition, you are already very strong!

"That's right, the enemy is too powerful to blame!" Another boy also said.

The boy took a sip of water, and listened to the words of his classmates in a daze, his brain was a little bit stuck, what do you mean?

Isn't he number one?

What to blame only the enemy is too strong?

What the hell?

Seeing the boy's bewildered expression, several classmates looked at each other, patted the boy on the shoulder, and told him, "You are the second."

The boy was dumbfounded and said in surprise: "How is it possible?!"

How could it be the second place? !

Obviously, when he was about to reach the finish line, others hadn't caught up yet! ! !

"This is true."

"Who is the first?" the boy asked.

Several classmates pointed in Shu Cheng's direction, and the boy was even more stunned, "Impossible, are you kidding me?! They were so far behind before!"

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