The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 187 Three thousand meter long run (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!


two laps...

Three laps...

Shu Cheng's speed remained unchanged, and he completely outdid the other contestants by more than a lap, causing the audience to become completely silent.

This is... what a terrifying speed? !

Is this really human? !

How is it possible for someone to maintain this speed all the time? !

Everyone looked at the boy running on the field in shock, four laps...

five laps...

The boy seemed to slow down, and the audience in the auditorium suddenly sighed.

"I'm afraid Shu Cheng has no physical strength!" A boy shook his head, "It's a pity, but Shu Cheng is very strong after running four laps at that terrifying speed without slowing down at all!"

"How many laps has the male god dumped other players now? Did I forget?"

"It seems to be two laps!"

"Let the male god slow down, and the male god will continue to run. Even if he is slower, he will definitely win!"

"That's right, the male god also tried his best!"

"I thought the male god could set another world record! I wasn't there when the male god matched the world record in the long jump. The male god was also so strong in long-distance running before. I thought the male god could set a world record!"

"it's a pity!"

"It should be that the performance of the male god was too good, which made us expect too much from the male god. The male god has tried his best!"

"That's right, male gods are human too!"


Standing on the field, Shu Cheng glanced at Guan Yufei who had already run three laps behind him.

Shu Cheng squinted his eyes, Guan Yufei was slowly speeding up, he had already run three laps, and he didn't seem to be tired at all.

"Shu Nanshen, what's the matter? Even if you don't have any physical strength, you can run slowly for a while..."

"Shu Nanshen seems to be waiting for Guan Xiaocao?"

"What? Waiting for the school grass? Do they know each other?!"

"Really! The two of them seem to know each other!"

After Shu Cheng waited for Guan Yufei to catch up, he ran side by side with him.

"Wow~ Did you realize that these two are really cute in the same frame! The baby's rotten girl's heart is blown up, okay?!"

"Guan Xiaocao never smiles, but Shu Nanshen always laughs. These two people always have an unexpected cuteness when they are together~"

"Aww~ Both of them are so handsome~ Don't be too cute when they are in the same frame!"

"I don't care, I only stand for Shu Zhou cp, why is Guan Xiaocao as cute as Wuli Zhou Yaoyu Zhou Zhou?!"

"How can a bastard like Zhou Yaoyu compare to our Guan Xiaocao?! In terms of IQ alone, our Guan Xiaocao's grades can crush Zhou Yaoyu, okay?!"


Guan Yufei glanced at the young man who was running side by side with him, and accelerated, the young man smiled and accelerated, still standing side by side with Guan Yufei.

Guan Yufei slowed down, and ran in front of the other runners with Shu Cheng, and asked while running, "Do you still have the strength?"

Shu Cheng's dark eyes stared at Guan Yufei, and his dark red lips curled slightly, and he nodded.

Since Shu Cheng merged with this body, Shu Cheng found that his physical fitness has been improving at an unimaginable speed, and Shu Cheng also gradually changed from shock at the beginning to indifference.

A flash of shock flashed in Guan Yufei's eyes, um... this human being has good physical strength...

"You still have physical strength, don't you?" Shu Cheng smiled softly, completely ignoring that it was on the field.

"En." Guan Yufei nodded, and then he frowned, his brows were slightly frowned on his brows, "You are two times more than me."

Shu Cheng smiled, "How about we make a bet?"

"What are you betting on?" Guan Yufei asked.

Two people can slow down and chat casually on the field without paying attention to the eyes of people around them.

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