The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 194 Lu Yan Guan Yufei

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Someone on the Internet said you were taking drugs!" Guan Yufei took out a bottle of Coke from his bag, tore off the tab of the Coke can with a "touch—" sound, and took a sip of it into his mouth.

Shu Cheng put away his notebook, turned his head to Guan Yufei, raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a faint smile on his lips, "How did you say it, let me listen to it?"

Guan Yufei raised his brows slightly, holding a Coke in his hand, and said in a flat voice, "I just came here to say something to you."

Lu Yan just walked to the door when he heard Guan Yufei's words, and suddenly staggered, came back to his senses, and laughed, "So this is the second school grass on the campus list, I didn't expect the second school grass to be That kind of people."

Guan Yufei put one hand in his trouser pocket, and held a Coke in the other hand. He glanced faintly at Lu Yan who was looking at him, and said in a dragging voice, "When will I need your evaluation?!"

Lu Yan glanced at Shu Cheng, his eyes were full of smiles, and asked with his eyes: This legendary school grass is such a middle school student?

Shu Cheng casually took out a candy from the candy box, and nodded.

Lu Yan looked at Guan Yufei: "..." Hold back, don't laugh.

Three seconds later.

"Hahahaha..." Lu Yan covered his stomach with his hands and laughed loudly, "The second school grass, you are so cute! My deity...hahahaha!"

Guan Yufei gave Lu Yan a disgusted look, and snorted coldly, "I don't care about ordinary people."

Lu Yan raised his eyebrows, staring at Guan Yufei's leaving back, his laughter resounded through the sky.

Shu Cheng crossed his legs, still leaning on the chair calmly, eating candy, picked up his mobile phone, and looked at V blog.

"At the same table, take a quick look at the V blog, something big has happened!" Lu Yan slapped his head, "It's all the second school grass just now, Guan... Guan Yufat?"

Off... fattening?

"Pfft!" Shu Cheng couldn't help laughing, "My tablemate is so stupid."

Lu Yan became anxious immediately, and scolded back: "Your tablemate is stupid, stupid! Stupid! Stupid!!!"

Oh, my deskmate is so stupid, this retarded baby...

Shu Cheng tilted his head, his dark eyes were full of interest, and the corners of his red mouth raised her characteristic ruffian accent, which was really pretty.

Lu Yan was stunned for a few seconds, and after recollecting it, his face flushed red: "I was talking too fast just now, and I said the wrong thing!"

Shu Cheng tilted his head and asked, "Otherwise... what do you want to say?"

Lu Yan's eyes flashed, he was about to say that his deskmate was stupid, but when he looked up, he saw a smile on the corner of Shu Cheng's lips, holding a booklet in his slender white hand.

Lu Yan's eyes lit up, could it be... the focus of the review?

Lu Yan suddenly forced a flattering smile from his face, "Brother Shu, do you still lack leg accessories?"

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, held the information in his hand and played with it, with a faint smile on his red lips, and interest in his dark eyes, "Then what were you going to say just now?"

"Tell the truth~" Shu Cheng chewed the candy, leaned on the chair and asked lazily, "What did you want to say just now?"


school bathroom

Qiu Haichuan (strong man, you are pregnant) patted Ling Yuche (wife, you have grown jj) on the shoulder and said, "Brother, your soap fell off."

Ling Yuche: "Hahaha, I laughed so hard, I actually asked my brother to pick up soap, trying to fool me! I don't care who my brother is, haha, haha, I laughed so hard that I couldn't straighten up... Damn it ,what are you doing!"

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