The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 205 The Declining Magazine Agency (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"New Martial Arts" has achieved good social and economic benefits in the five years since its publication, and is favored by readers at home and abroad for its collection of essence, appeal to both refined and popular tastes, and outstanding taste.

This is because the situation of "New Wuxia" has been getting worse and worse in recent years. Famous martial arts experts have collectively criticized the concept of "New Wuxia" magazine, thinking that "New Wuxia" is evil martial arts, and completely unpopular martial arts.

In addition, there are fewer and fewer people writing martial arts novels these years, and now only the older generation is still writing, and the older generation is unwilling to accept the founding philosophy of "New Wuxia" magazine, and the young people are not willing to accept it. I like martial arts but don't watch martial arts.

So every time the editor of "New Wuxia" magazine opened the mailbox of the editorial department, there were only twenty or thirty manuscripts.

Looking at the manuscripts one by one, Nie Weidong, the editor of "New Martial Arts" magazine, couldn't help frowning. There was nothing new, nothing bright. Could it be that this month was really only the manuscripts that were selected from this pile of manuscripts? ?

Nie Weidong sighed, rubbed his sore eyes, adjusted his glasses, and decided to go over the manuscript again, and select a few acceptable ones.

"Didi—" Another new manuscript was sent.

Nie Weidong yawned, opened the manuscript casually, and looked at the title.

"Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword"?

Nie Weidong sneered and shook his head, probably it was written by that newcomer who doesn't know what a martial arts novel is!

Nie Weidong closed the manuscript and was about to read other manuscripts. Nie Weidong re-examined the manuscript and shook his head helplessly. "New Martial Arts" is really about to decline.

Nie Weidong no longer had any expectations for "New Martial Arts" at this time. Looking at the few dozen manuscripts, he sighed silently, and with the attitude of giving it a try, he finally clicked on the article titled " A Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword" novel.

Chapter 1 Flying Knife and Quick Sword

The cold wind is like a knife, the earth is used as a chopping board, and all living beings are regarded as fish and meat.

Thousands of miles of flying snow, using the sky as a furnace, melting everything into silver.

The snow is coming, and the wind is still uncertain. A carriage comes from the north. The rolling wheels crush the ice and snow on the ground, but they cannot crush the loneliness between heaven and earth.

Nie Weidong also looked serious, and secretly sighed that the writing skills are good!

Nie Weidong continued to read, what's going on? ! The protagonist is actually a middle-aged man? !

In which martial arts novel, the protagonist is not just young and vigorous, but the author's protagonist is actually a middle-aged person? !

Have an idea!



Soon Nie Weidong finished reading the three chapters sent, Nie Weidong's eyes lit up, "New Martial Arts" magazine was saved!

"Editor-in-chief, "New Martial Arts" magazine is saved! It really is saved!" Nie Weidong stumbled into the editor-in-chief's office.

The editor-in-chief Feng Feng looked up at Nie Weidong, stood up abruptly, and said excitedly, "What did you say?! Say it again?!"

"Editor-in-Chief, "New Martial Arts" is saved!" Nie Weidong repeated with a smile on his face.

Feng Feng was stunned, with an uncontrollable smile on his face, "Xiao Nie, you didn't lie to me, did you?!"

"No, no, how dare I joke with you about such an important matter? Quickly read the manuscript I sent you!" Nie Weidong said excitedly.

Feng Feng was also taken aback for a moment, there had been no good manuscripts for so many years, and "New Martial Arts" magazine was not getting better every year, what kind of manuscripts could make Nie Weidong so excited now? !

He didn't even think much of the new book published by the famous martial arts master Liu Zhu in "You Long" magazine. Now there is a manuscript that can make him so excited?

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