The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 241 Undead Martial Arts (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Strong man, you are pregnant: Fuck me, you actually bought @妇妇你长jj]

[Daughter-in-law, you have a long jj [reply to the strong man, you are pregnant]: What, can't you? I was excited when I saw the name of University of Ontario, and I just wanted to spend money, okay? ! 】

[Strong man, you are pregnant: Yes, yes, why not, you boss, you are right in everything you say! 】

[Weai Ai Shengshi Xingchen: Haha, I also bought ten copies, just because of Anda's name, I must have made some sales for this martial arts! Let them see the financial resources of our Anda fans [Photo: Local Tyrant]]

Tang Feng raised his eyebrows, and directly posted a screenshot on the V blog.

[Feng Shao V: Count romantic figures, but also local tyrants [erha][erha]#音湿作对# ps: I just ordered several hundred copies of "New Martial Arts", and the money is not much.


Ever since the song "Black gave me black eyes, but I used it to find light" written by Shu Cheng became popular, people from all walks of life have started the mode of imitation by the whole people, and then it evolved into a spoof mode without knowing it.

What "black gave me black eyes, but I rolled them with it", even the verses in the Chinese textbooks were spoofed.

What is "Ask what love is in the world, and teach people to bump their heads against a tree."

What "money is what I want, beautiful women are what I want, I can't have both, give up money and get beautiful women, read books, I don't want, do homework, I don't want, both must have And, I'll go to his uncle's too."

It directly made many netizens laugh, and they also played poetry to the sky.

[Feng Shao, this wave of 666, counting romantic figures, and watching local tyrants#音湿作对#[Laughs]]

[Hehehe, what a fan of brains! I bought so many magazines with just one pseudonym. 】

[Isn't it Yinshi's fault? I’m coming too——I’m laughing at the sky, local tyrants love to fool around [laugh and cry]]

【I'm here too, but the Dragon City Flying General is here, and the local tyrants and we will fall in love. 】

[Mmp, seeing the screenshot, there is only one sentence in my heart, a million lions cross the river, vowing to kill all the local tyrants. 】

[I'm so excited, the sky is clear and the cranes line up on the clouds, and the local tyrants are delivered to my hometown. 】

[New martial arts? 666, An Zhiruo's brain-dead fans don't explain why magazines with pseudonyms are bought so vigorously. 】

So An Zhiruosu's brainless fans saw An Zhiruosu's name in a magazine, and the news that they bought hundreds of magazines for one person caused heated discussions on the Internet.

[Hehehe, I don’t want to explain to fans of the idiot, I have seen the idiot, but I have never seen such an idiot. 】

【I don't understand. He earns his money openly and aboveboard. He can use it however he wants. Don't mind your business! I need you blind bb! Isn't it just a few hundred copies of "New Martial Arts"? ! Qiu Fu said it straight! 】

[I really don’t understand the mentality of those people who hate the rich. Everyone has their own choice. They don’t kill people or set fire to them. What’s wrong with just buying hundreds of copies of "New Martial Arts"? ! Did you eat your food or use your money? ! 】

With the hot discussion among netizens, this martial arts magazine "New Martial Arts" has also entered the attention of everyone. Countless young people have also begun to pay attention to this magazine called "New Martial Arts", and have noticed "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword", thus Obsessed with martial arts.

Countless martial arts fans were moved to tears, thank you An Zhiruosu, thank you "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword", martial arts never die!

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