The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 245 Ah Xiaorong is Here (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Rong Junyi lowered his head slightly, looking at the boy's reply on the phone, the corners of his lips couldn't help but curl up slightly, this kid must be having a fight!

Shu Cheng nestled under the blanket, her black hair lay softly on Shu Cheng's forehead, hiding her complicated expression at this time.

Get sick on purpose? Is the system too cowardly? Is it because I have been with humans for too long that my IQ has been fed to dogs? !

Shu Cheng's face was terribly pale, but his brain was extremely clear. He recalled every detail of his relationship with Rong Junyi in this world. To put it bluntly, this relationship was because she had been flirting and the man had been accepting it, and then ran away after kissing.

"I've been alone as a system for so many years, but I can't even accept the slightest indifference from men to me, don't you seem stupid?!" Shu Cheng closed his eyes, a little irritable, lying on his back on the bed, "Why haven't the men come yet?" ?”


"Crack——" the door opened.

The man was dressed in black and pushed the door in. The outline of his face was like a knife-sharpened face, and a handsome and unusually handsome face appeared in the eyes of the young man.

The young man sat up from the bed, looked at the man with dark eyes, and a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. The pale young man showed such a smile that inexplicably gave him the appearance of a sickly beauty.

Rong Junyi's brows frowned even tighter, his eyes were as dark as the sun, and a layer of rare thin anger flashed by, his cold eyes swept sharply towards Shu Cheng who was still smiling faintly.

Rong Junyi's dark eyes were stained with a layer of frost at this moment, and his deep and deep voice was lazy and precious: "Shu Cheng."

Shu Cheng was in a corner where the man couldn't see, with an evil smile on his lips, he didn't look sick.

"Why are you so stupid?" Rong Junyi frowned, stretched out his hand and rubbed the boy's hair, "I'm not here for a few days, and you made yourself like this?"

Shu Cheng nestled in the bed and didn't speak, like a porcelain doll so exquisite that no evil thoughts could be born.

"Fool." The corners of Rong Junyi's lips pursed slightly, "Are you having trouble?"

Shu Cheng's eyes widened, as if to say, how could such a handsome and domineering president be so awkward? !

can you stop joking? !

Shu Cheng turned his head away, the corners of his lips pursed slightly, his dark eyes seemed to no longer look at Rong Junyi.


Rong Junyi looked at the child's condition, touched the child's forehead, "Where is the thermometer?"

Shu Cheng raised his chin slightly, pointed to the cabinet over there, Rong Junyi looked in the direction of the young man's chin, raised his steps, his every move was elegant and extremely expensive.

Rong Junyi took out the thermometer, fixed it for the boy and asked her to add it to the creaking nest, then picked up his mobile phone and sent a text message to his subordinates, asking them to prepare some daily necessities.

Rong Junyi decided to sleep here at night and take care of Shu Cheng.

Shu Cheng stared at him with dark eyes, and said in a lazy voice, "What are you doing?"

"Have someone buy some daily necessities." Rong Junyi walked over, with a subtle smile on his handsome face.

"It's so dirty..." The young man raised his brows slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his pale face under his jet-black shattered hair.

"..." Rong Junyi couldn't help laughing when he heard the young man's words, and ravaged the young man's hair with one hand: "Wait until you turn eighteen."

Shu Cheng's complexion was still pale, but there was a smile in the depths of his eyes, listening to the man in his ear, what about eighteen years old?

Let her sleep at eighteen?

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