The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 288 Xiuxiu Xiuxiu (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

While Rong Junyi was still in a daze, rose petals all over the sky slowly fell from the sky.

The red petals fell, completely submerging the people below the cinema in a rain of roses.

"Wow! So beautiful……"

"What a nice view……"

"Rose it really rose rain?! Damn! Let us meet?!"

"Who made this?"

"It is very beautiful……"

Many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures of this rare scene.

It is night, under the illumination of neon lights, red petals are falling and dancing all over the sky, which is dazzlingly beautiful.

Rong Junyi raised his eyebrows, and looked at the child next to him with obsidian eyes, with an ambiguous smile in his eyes. The child was wearing a mask, and the two looked at each other, with a deep affection that others could not understand.

The boy raised his eyebrows, motioning for the man to continue reading. The man turned his head, and the rose petals in the sky saw the big characters on the fluorescent board not far away——

"A Xiaorong, come with me."

The boy turned his head to look at the man's expression with his dark eyes, the thin lips under the mask curled up, and the big characters on the fluorescent board changed——

"Don't you want to?"

next moment,

"If you don't want to, then let me go with you."


Everyone who saw this show of love was overwhelmed.

"Who is A Xiaorong? The name sounds so cute!"

"Aww, I'll give you 101 points for this confession, and I won't be afraid of the pride of "Shu" if you get one more point!"

"So gentle, so romantic!"

"If I were the one who was confessed to, I would definitely die of happiness now! Excited, how much does this rain of roses cost!"

"So romantic!"

"Look, why can't you just learn from others?! Give apples to give apples, it's like this every year, can't you be more romantic?!"

"Honey, I was wrong, but it's so romantic... It's a waste of money..."

"If a man confesses his love to me like this, I will definitely agree without saying a word!"

"Exactly! Where can I find such a man?!"

"Simply romantic!"

"Look at how you confessed your love back then?! No flowers, no love letters, nothing, why did I agree to you!"

"Honey, it's not like everyone can be so romantic! Didn't I have no money back then?!"

"That's no excuse."

"Labor and management escaped the couples who gave each other apples on Christmas Eve, and went to the movie theater to plug their ears, but they couldn't escape the rain of petals in the sky. In three words, is this dog food going to kill the baby?! I'm just a child!"

"I'm done with this wave of dog food!"

"Dog food that single dogs can't hide from, can't people be a little more friendly?!"

"I've done this wave of dog food! It's amazing, it's amazing!"


Shu Cheng listened to the conversations of passers-by, and couldn't help raising her head, her thin lips under the mask slightly raised, what about those people who showed affection in front of her before?

Stand up, baby look, now tell you what is called "show affection"!

"You really are..." Rong Junyi shook his head and laughed, looking at the boy with obsidian eyes.

"What's wrong with me?" There was a smile in the young man's dark eyes, and the corners of his lips raised a sinister arc, and he stood on tiptoe and wanted to ravage the man's hair, "Is it not possible?"

It seems a bit difficult for the gold master's father to touch his head to kill.

"Okay." The man grabbed the big hand that was playing tricks on his head, and his eyes were full of smiles.

"Do you like it?" The boy looked at the man with a smile on his face.

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