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The two people's collusion did not affect Shu Cheng's peaceful life. Shu Cheng sang code words and flirted with A Xiaorong when she had nothing to do. Her life was pretty good. At this time, she received an invitation to a movie.

- "The Prestige"

Shu Cheng's dark eyes darkened, his pretty brows raised, and he opened the script to read it. This is a story with two protagonists.

When the entertainment industry was just getting started, magicians who could turn decay into magic became the most mysterious popular idols of that era, enjoying the highest praise that society could give, and their social status was higher than other performers.

Thus, Su Zi and An Jue became magical figures in the city because they could do magic.

An Jue was born in the noble family, with complex personality and sophistication. He is a natural performer. He knows how to perfectly present himself to the audience on the stage, with gorgeous and rich magic methods.

But Su Zi is completely opposite to him. Even though he comes from a mediocre background, his competitive mind and creative magic skills have made him famous.

The two have been good partners since they were young, but now they have their own territories in the magic world, and both have ambitions to become top magicians in the music hall, and they are fighting openly and secretly.

Su Zi mastered the wonderful avatar technique, which was well received and applauded.

The two move out to pick up moves, back and forth, the fight is escalating violently, friendship and morality are all left behind, and a bloody murder is quietly brewing.

The two are jealous and suspicious of each other, and they become irreconcilable opponents. They replace morality with bravery, science with skill, and friendship with ambition. In order to defeat each other and prove that they are the number one magician of this era, they seek various Auxiliary materials to enrich your own magic performance.

The situation gradually got out of control, and the loyalty and belief of the two people were tested to the maximum, until a murder was triggered, and the war of the century ended in tragedy.

Shu Cheng read quickly, but also read very carefully. After reading the script of "Fatal Magic", her eyes lit up.

Magic requires sacrifice.

This sacrifice can be a truth, a dove, a finger, a person, or even a person's soul.

Little magic sometimes sacrifices other lives, and this opening sets the stage for the tragedy of the whole script.

The mutual dismantling and conflicts of the two magicians, sacrifice, friendship, jealousy, and the meaning of magic are vividly displayed in this script.

"Behind every wonderful magic trick, there is an aboveboard murder—the murderer is himself, and the murderer is also himself. When the bone-piercing coldness climbs up the back, what is the one left thinking?"

Immediately, the young man's eyes dimmed, Su Zi and An Jue were both outstanding characters, so which one should she choose?

The person who invited her said that he was very optimistic about him playing the image of an aristocrat like An Jue with a gorgeous complex personality and sophisticated experience.

She showed this kind of image very well in Gu Jingchen's elegant and sometimes ostentatious role in "Gone with the Wind". It is almost no difficulty for her to play the role of An Jue.

Shu Cheng tapped lightly on the script. These two characters have their own advantages and disadvantages. I have to say that An Jue's flamboyant and aristocratic character can be achieved almost without acting.

As for Su Zi, who was born in a mediocre background, Su Zi, who didn't know how to use gorgeous means to express his magic, just happened to be a character completely different from her character.

Shu Cheng raised the corners of her lips slightly, she decided to play the role - Su Zi.

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