The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 324 (fourth update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

No one spoke until the king finished singing a song.

In the circle of friends, the words that the king was arrogant and arrogant were deleted by the owner in an instant.

In the penguin space, it was deleted by the owner in an instant when it was said that the king was overreaching.

Those who mocked and questioned the king on V blog shut up instantly.

Yonago Jiu looked at those V blog circles of friends who had voluntarily deleted and said, the corners of his lips were raised high.

Are you slapped in the face? !

Does your face hurt? !

She has an unusual way of looking at people!

Yonago Jiu raised the corners of her lips and took a selfie with her mobile phone, with the king standing in the center of the stage in the background.

[Yoniko Nine:

?Running forward, facing cold eyes and ridicule, how can we feel the vastness of life without experiencing hardships, and fate cannot make us kneel down and beg for mercy. ——The king


The people in Yonagojiu's circle of friends were silent, the previous questioning and previous ridicule made their faces burn with pain.

The game was still going on, and finally it was the king's second game, and everyone was guessing.

Will it be original this time?

Will this song be better than his last one?

Who is the king? !

Yonikojiu was also looking forward to it. When she heard a completely unfamiliar melody, she smiled. As expected of the person she likes, she should be so flamboyant, so arrogant!


The king's opening again made everyone dumbfounded, it's original, it's original!

"I am I am fireworks of different colors."

"The sky is open to be the strongest foam."

A line of lyrics instantly hit the hearts of countless people, and the lyrics of "I am a firework with a different color" were frantically swiped on the V blog.

[I didn't like this kind of conceited and arrogant person at first, but "Dream Chaser" and "I" made me like this special, different, and different The king from others! 】

[Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow! Both songs are on par, I love them both! 】

[It's so hard to guess! 】

[Fried chicken sounds good, fried chicken sounds good! I fell in love with the king! 】

[The program team is doing something! This dress doesn't reveal anything, how can you guess! 】

【Who the hell is this the king! I can't guess it at all! 】

Countless viewers and netizens are asking, and the guests of the guessing group on TV are also asking.

I saw the man raised his head slightly, and the voice that was processed by the voice changer sounded: "I don't even know you, so I asked you to kill me!"

All the audience was speechless.

Yonago Jiu laughed softly, she became more and more interested in "the king"!

"The Masked Singer" continues.

Deng Fuling couldn't laugh or cry, "Who are you!"

"I'll go back and ask my mother." The king held the microphone and said solemnly.

"Pfft——" Yonago Jiu spit out a sip of water, "cough cough."

Haha, the king is too much fun!

The Internet also exploded.

[Is there any music scene with this kind of character? 】

[Isn't it a professional singer? 】

[Isn't a professional singer capable of this kind of strength? 】

[Could it be an old-timer in the music world? 】

[I feel very young when I hear the voice! How could he be an old man in the music world? ! 】

[It can't be a newcomer, this kind of typhoon and singing skills can't be a newcomer! 】

[I'm getting more and more confused now. I just searched for singers above the third tier, but I couldn't find a suitable one. Who the hell is this person! Could it be that he is not from the music scene? ! 】


There is no doubt that "The King of Masked Singer" is on fire, and The king is on fire.

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