Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The boy nestled on the sofa, lazily watching the replay of "Gone with the Wind" on TV.

Rong Junyi walked out of the bathroom, squinted his eyes and looked at a lazy fox-like guy on the sofa, his voice was still slightly hoarse, "Stop playing."

The young man raised his head, raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was a playful look in his eyes: "Are you uncomfortable?"

The man's obsidian-like pupils looked at the boy's pupils and narrowed them slightly.

"Sore throat?" The boy smiled softly.

Rong Junyi frowned slightly, not knowing what the young man wanted to say.

There was an evil smile in the boy's dark eyes: "What's the matter? Auntie is here?"

"..." Rong Junyi looked directly at Shu Cheng, frowned slightly, and for some reason a trace of anger flashed in his eyes as deep as the sea, with awe-inspiring aura.

Shu Cheng shrugged and looked directly at the man.

"Next week's song is related to you, remember to watch it." Shu Cheng chewed the candy, ignoring the man's dark expression, "Your boyfriend is too handsome, no need to exaggerate."

Rong Junyi: "..." I really didn't intend to boast.

Is this kid a bit feminine?


Shu Cheng came to the backstage of "The King of Masked Singer" again, changed her clothes, and put on her white mask.

Looking at the text message that just molested A Xiaorong, I couldn't help but want to laugh. I'm afraid this man has never been so aggrieved in his life!

"Bang bang—"

There was a knock on the door.

"It's your turn."

Shu Cheng stood up, straightened his clothes, curved his mouth in an evil curve, and walked onto the wide stage facing the gorgeous lights.

With all eyes on, The king took the stage.

There was thunderous applause and screams.

"The king!"

"The king!"

"The king!"


Everyone was shouting The king, and the guests of the guessing group and the contestants in the backstage lounge were stunned.

How to play this? !

The King of Songs can just give it to him directly!

What else are you playing!

Two songs, no face, this popularity is simply amazing!


The lights dimmed, the music started, and the audience fell silent for a moment.

The white figure on the stage slowly picked up the microphone and put it to his mouth:

“Coffee on the Left Bank of the Seine,”

"I taste your beauty with a cup in my hand,"

"A mouth that leaves a mark on its lips,"

"Who spelled the name of the rose in the florist wrong?"

Guess the panel of guests.

Deng Fuling was surprised: "What style is this?!"

Heavenly King Jiang Yi's eyes lit up, and he was slightly excited: "Interesting, this is the first time I see this style of music, this The king is really a genius!"

Jiang Jing couldn't tell if the music was good or bad, but he just thought he liked the melody of this song.


"The confession balloon blows across the street,"

"Smiles fly in the sky,"

"You said you were a bit difficult to track down and wanted me to quit,"

"Gifts don't need to pick the most expensive leaves, but the fallen leaves of the Champs Elysees."

"Oh make a romantic date that isn't afraid to screw things up."

Shu Cheng closed his eyes, recalling the scenes with the man.

——"Actually, if you are ugly, I might take you shopping, watching a movie, eating western food, taking a walk, watching the stars and the moon, from poetry to poetry to philosophy of life, but you are so handsome, let I just want to sleep with you."

——"I'll give you three seconds, after three seconds, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

The boy's dark eyes were deep, and he just wanted to sleep before, but now he seems to want to sleep even more.

With a chuckle, Shu Cheng continued to sing:

"Own you, own the world."

"Darling fell in love with you from that day on,"

"Sweet is easy,"

"Don't let your eyes go, my dear,"

"Say I do."



"Where is it uncomfortable?"

"Sore throat."

"Auntie here?"



(It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words)

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