The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 357 I heard that only self-hacking will not be hacked?

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!




The phone kept ringing, Shu Cheng picked up the phone to unlock it, and saw a series of WeChat group messages.

[Zhou Yaoyu: You are really a hot search prince! Anything big or small can be searched on the hot search. @Shu Cheng]

[Fu Hao: Lu Yiyi still has a lot of sailors, and has a strong ability to guide public opinion. You have to be careful, the best way now is to blackmail yourself. @Shu Cheng]

[Xing Le: @朱成 You haven't signed a contract yet? These things should be left to the public relations to do! 】

[Bai Lu: Don't worry, don't you know what kind of person you are? Sister definitely supports you! @Shu Cheng]

[Zhou Yaoyu: Many people are easy to be led by public opinion. It is common for celebrities in the entertainment industry to be hacked. At this time, you need to learn to hack yourself. 】

[Xing Le: That's right, in the current entertainment industry, only self-hacking is the only way to avoid being hacked. 】

[Bai Lu: It’s true, if you hack yourself, you won’t be hacked by others. There is no way, this is this era, celebrities must learn to hack themselves, and a glass heart can’t survive in the entertainment industry. 】


Shu Cheng's black shattered hair stared at the phone screen with a pair of clear black eyes, and then raised his head to look at the various insults and abuse on the V blog on the notebook, pursed his lips and remained silent.

Indeed, in the entertainment circle, when the turbulent malice and ridicule hit like a tide, those stars with the spirit of entertainment bravely blackened themselves, so they turned defeat into victory, turning from black to red.

As for unscrupulous public relations, in order to make good friends with consumers and resolve crises, they must not be ashamed to blackmail themselves.

In this era, it seems that whoever holds it suffers.

How many artists put on airs and have a mediocre reputation, and a little bit of liberating nature can immediately trigger a frenzy of "passers-by turning fans".

But in Shu Cheng's view, apart from the usual self-deprecating, self-deprecating, self-deprecating, self-deprecating, maybe it's an alternative version of "scandal marketing"?


A few minutes later, Shu Cheng's V blog was updated.

Many people who saw the boy V blog were lost in thought.

[Shu Cheng V: I heard that only self-hacking will not be hacked? [picture]】

The picture that Shu Cheng chose to accompany was a selfie of himself, but the parts where the skin was exposed were all blacked out.

This is literally "self-hacking".

Everyone who saw Shu Cheng's new Weibo WeChat group was shocked.

Zhou Yaoyu shook his head and smiled wryly. This young man really couldn't bear any grievances. He lived according to his own ideas. He obviously saw it more clearly than anyone else, but relied on his strength to live recklessly and willfully.

Recalling the particularly arrogant guy codenamed the king in "The King of Masked Singer", the corners of his lips could not help but curl up, and it is precisely because of this that he is different from others!


Twenty minutes later, Shu Cheng's V-blog was updated again. This time, a poem was posted with a picture of bamboo and stone.

[Shu Cheng V:

Sticking to the green hills and not letting go, the roots are originally in the broken rocks.

Thousands of blows are still strong, let the wind from east to west, north and south.

——"Bamboo Stone\

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