The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 372: Adorable Teenager (Fourth)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Hearing the lazy and noble voice behind him, Shu Cheng closed the webpage very calmly, and looked at Rong Junyi calmly.

Under the young man's black shattered hair, his dark eyes shone with an unknown meaning, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his red lips, "Why are you here?"

The man rubbed the boy's hair, his obsidian eyes flashed a joke, "What were you playing just now?"

"Idle and bored, just go for a casual stroll, browse V blog." The young man raised his head and looked at the man, with the same wicked smile in his eyes as usual.

"Oh." The man didn't say anything, but the playful meaning in the depths of his black eyes became stronger.

Ladies, I don't know how this guy is going to confess?

Shu Cheng didn't notice anything unusual about the man, so he checked out V blog very calmly.

Rong Junyi didn't care that the boy was still playing with his notebook while he was there, because he knew that the boy's mood was not as calm as she showed.

I guess I've been thinking about how to confess.

The truth is, the man has the truth.

In addition to the hot searches about her on the V blog, there are also hot searches about the composition topics of the college entrance examinations in various provinces and cities.

[I heard that this year's J city college entrance examination composition is an 800-word essay on the topic of cars. I think 800 words may be a bit difficult, and I can write it in six words: Old driver, take me with you. [Laughing and crying][Laughing and crying]]

Shu Cheng didn't say anything, and directly forwarded the V blog.

[Shu Cheng V[forward V blog]: Why are there so many essay questions every year? The main reason may be that mathematics, physics and chemistry are beyond the scope of knowledge of these people [picking nose]]

Seeing the instant comment on the boy's V blog, many people immediately came.

[Is the boy cute today? #Feeling myself cute#]

[The boy is not only cute but also a joker, wow Kaka [laughing and crying] The boy is cute every day! 】

[I feel that the boy is refreshing my understanding of him every day. Before that, he was the extremely handsome routine king, then he was the serious and righteous boy, then he was the flamboyant The King, and now he is cute, hahaha! 】

[Cute boy, Routine King, Duan Zishou, the king, with so many titles, which one do you think I'm called a boy? #Feeling myself cute#]

[Routine Wang Mengmeng turned into a joke player! #Feeling myself cute#]

[The boy is cute today! Hahaha! The handsome image before is gone in an instant! #Feeling myself cute#]

[I don’t want to say anything more, the boy #感感自己萌萌哒#[笑哭][笑哭]]

[The boy is really cute, hahaha! Let you drink, let you drink, so cute now! Hahaha! Why am I so gloating? The way the teenager dances and sings "I feel cute" is simply not too much! 】


Shu Cheng's classmates burst into laughter when they saw the comments about Shu Cheng on the Internet. That guy is usually so annoying, but now the comment section can't do without the word "cute and cute", he must be mad hahaha!

When the boy looked at the comment area, no matter which comment was inseparable from the word "Meng Meng Da", his face darkened instantly. Are these a group of fake fans? !

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have played with those guys yesterday, her image! What about being cool and domineering? !

Can you still have fun? !

Seeing the boy's drooping head, the man couldn't help stretching out his hand to ravage her short hair, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

It's really cute.

Of course, he didn't say this, he was afraid that some boy who exploded his hair would throw him down in a moment of anger.

He can't help it.

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