The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 381 The Man Knows (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The man was not in a hurry to open the door, his obsidian-like eyes flashed a joke, he raised the corners of his lips, and said in a deep voice, "You seem to have forgotten your clothes?"

The boy's eyes darkened, the corners of his lips were slightly pursed, and his voice could not hear any emotion: "Oh."

"Shall I bring it in for you?" The man's hand was still on the handle, and the playful smile in his eyes couldn't be concealed at all.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly, his wet hair was slightly messy, and the corners of his red lips curled up slightly: "Do you really want me to fuck?"

The sound of "squeaking" water in the bathroom kept ringing, and the man's body became hot, and he couldn't help but imagine the beautiful spring in the bathroom.

Rong Junyi calmed down, swept away the messy thoughts in his head, and subconsciously lowered his hand.

Immediately, the bathroom door closed tightly with a bang.

Rong Junyi touched his nose slightly in embarrassment, wouldn't a child still say she was a girl after all this?

Shu Cheng closed the door, his eyes slightly narrowed under the black shattered hair, and a faint smile flickered on the corner of his lips.

Hot water wets her hair and pours over the top of her head, making her think more clearly.


Rong Junyi was "fidgeting" on the sofa outside the bathroom. The sound of water in the bathroom always reminded him of something indescribable, and his lower body was already hot.

Shu Cheng wrapped the white cloth, tied his chest, put on a dress and went out, the towel was still draped over his hair.

"Kacha—" the sound of the door opening sounded.

Rong Junyi turned his head to look sideways, and Shu Cheng's gaze also swept to him.

The four eyes are facing each other.

The boy wiped his short hair with a towel, looked at the man, with a faint smile on his lips.

The man rubbed his nose, imagining the beautiful spring of the child in his mind, and finally took the clothes and walked quickly to the bathroom.

The boy was left alone in the room, and he laughed softly.

The young man held the red fly in his hand, recalling the man's previous appearance, the guess in his heart was confirmed even more.

—The man already knows that she is a woman.

So, since he knew it, he kept silent and let her play. Is the man trying to play tricks?

The boy's eyes squinted and exuded a hint of danger, which was really good, and she was always worried that he would be cautious when he found out that he was a woman.

Shouldn't this Oscar award be awarded to him?

The boy rested his fingers on the red fly, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips. Since he likes to play so much, how about she playing with him?

I'm afraid this man won't touch her as long as she doesn't talk about her identity as a woman, right?

Well, some play.


The man came out of a cold shower, and saw the young man smiling at him, with the thin pajamas sticking to his body, which made his throat dry.

"Where do you sleep tonight?" The young man's voice was full of laughter, which was extremely provocative.

The man's black eyes darkened, and his deep voice was hoarse: "Together with you."

"Oh?" The boy's dark eyes glanced at the man, unable to see what it meant, "Let me sleep?"

The man's black eyes were gloomy, and he glanced at the young man, with a playful smile flickering in the depths of his eyes, he stepped forward and ravaged the young man's hair.

The young man lowered his head and let the big hands on top of his head mess around. The smile deep in the man's invisible eyes couldn't be concealed, and the deep affection since ancient times couldn't be kept.

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