The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 383 Two in one (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng glanced at him again, the disgust in his eyes couldn't be concealed no matter what.

Want to take her to play girl? Is the girl as good as her daughter-in-law?

Learning God? The knowledge in her mind covers the entire universe, okay?

It's really not that she is modest, she still has to act aggressive when she should act aggressive.

Look at Yu Zhou, then look at yourself.

She needs to play with girls herself? Gogoushou girl to let her pick and choose?

"Ph.D. in Psychology graduated from a foreign university?"

Yu Zhou couldn't help but look at him because of the laziness of the young man's voice.

"That's right!" Yu Zhou seemed to have endless words to say, "Perhaps I went to take the Ph.D. exam because I was full of brains..."

Shu Cheng rubbed her ears, although her first impression of this man was not bad, but there was an inexplicable dislike for him.

Yu Zhou's appearance can be regarded as one of the most handsome guys in the entertainment industry, but why are there more words than Zhou Yaoyu?

Could it be that celebrities with good acting skills in the entertainment industry can't get rid of the problem of chattering and teasing?

After Yu Zhou left, Shu Cheng, who had finished her makeup, sent Zhou Yaoyu a WeChat message.

[Shu Cheng: I suddenly discovered that although your mentally retarded and funny attribute affects your IQ, you are much better than the smart and talkative attribute. 】

Shu Cheng put down the phone and left.

Zhou Yaoyu was furious when he received the WeChat message. What is the funny attribute of mental retardation that affects IQ? !

Boy, please make it clear, the baby promises not to kill you!

Wait, what is the attribute of being smart? !

Is it... Yu Zhou? !

Zhou Yaoyu frowned, and replied to WeChat——

【Zhou Yaoyu: Except for acting, don't get in touch with that guy Yu Zhou. 】


After putting on makeup, Shu Cheng's demeanor has undergone a qualitative change when he walks out. The arrogance before is gone, instead, he is more bland. Under the ordinary coat, there are no waves in his eyes.

This is Sue Ann.

On the first day it was turned on, after a simple start-up ceremony, Shu Cheng's first scene began.

The director looked at Shu Cheng in front of the camera and smiled cheerfully. He still remembers Shu Cheng's performance in the audition that day deeply.

The director glanced at Yu Zhou, if Shu Cheng could show the state of that day, then this scene would definitely be a no-brainer, and in an instant, he could give a little excitement to a guy who plays with girls all day long.



Su An was holding the birdcage, and said to the little boy with a smile on his face: "Did you see it? It's fine, it's fine, did you see it?"

"What about his brother?" The little boy cried, "Is he dead?"

Su An nodded slightly, then raised her head and looked at the woman next to the little boy: "Your son is so smart!"

Seeing Shu Cheng's expression, the woman couldn't help being brought into the plot by him, subconsciously shook her head, with a smile on her face: "No, he is not my son, he is my nephew."

After the magic was over, Su An returned to the room, dumped the dead bird in the cage into the dustbin, and put the live bird into another cage.


Su An squatted down halfway, looking at the little boy with an inexplicable light in his eyes, "Are you watching carefully?"

The director was even more shocked when he saw Shu Cheng in the camera. Every detail of him under the camera, every movement, every look, every detail reflected Su An perfectly.

Even more perfect than the performance in the previous audition, it is hard to imagine that such a teenager is just a child who has just stepped into adulthood.

His acting skills are mature enough to compete head-to-head with the film king, and I don't know how he will face Yu Zhou in the next match?


With a movement of Su An's hand, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, just like in the script, she pinched a coin out of thin air.

The surrounding actors, extras, staff and props crew were all shocked to see this miraculous scene.

Before the director said that no need to create an effect, everyone was skeptical when Shu Cheng knew this kind of magic, but when Shu Cheng really pinched a coin out of thin air like in the script, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Yu Zhou lost his eyes, and tapped his finger on the script full of notes. Did Shu Cheng really practice this magic trick for the details of a scene?

Looks like he hasn't done enough homework!

Yu Zhou looked at his script, and the dense notes made his brows slightly raised. Su Cheng's acting skills always make him want to try it!


The little boy who played this scene was also stunned, it was magic! Really magic!

The involuntary little boy was always controlled by Shu Cheng, showing his best side in front of the camera.

"See it clearly?" Su An's eyes were filled with an ambiguous smile, and with a movement of his fingers, the coin in his hand was turned over under the movement of his fingers, "Never reveal the answer to the mystery."

This scene was performed by Shu Cheng during the audition, but his performance now is much better than during the audition. She performed better in many details, and even the critical director Wang couldn't follow his every move. Pick out a little bit of error.

Su An pointed at the little boy: "They will beg you and flatter you. Once you say it, you are useless."

"Understood? Worthless."

This sentence exploded in the bottom of the boy's heart.

If you say it, you are useless... worthless...

Su An was very satisfied with the look in the boy's eyes. She tapped the little boy's forehead with her finger and said, "The secret of magic is nothing special, but the skill of magic is important."

Yu Zhou narrowed his eyes, and a kind of blood boiled in his body. Shu Cheng's appropriate movements and meaningful eyes made him unable to bear the urge to play with Biao now.

He hadn't felt this feeling of meeting an opponent for a long time, and Yu Zhou's eyes were full of excitement.

When Shu Cheng left the stage, the light flickering in Yu Zhou's eyes hadn't disappeared, and a kind of eagerness to try skyrocketed in his heart.

"Director Wang, when will my part be filmed?" Yu Zhou couldn't help asking.

Director Wang narrowed his eyes, "Your role in the next scene has changed, it's not a rivalry with Shu Cheng."

"What are you talking about?!" Yu Zhou yelled, "Director Wang, do you want to be so naughty? Are you still a three-year-old child? Can you stop learning from that child Shu Cheng? This is really not pleasing at all. of."

"He's more likable than you." Director Wang continued without blushing.

"What the hell!"


When Shu Cheng received Zhou Yaoyu's WeChat message, he glanced at Yu Zhou who was playing with a woman, and couldn't help but press the center of his eyebrows.

Yu Zhou's eyes on him when he was filming just now almost made her out of the scene, it was simply too unpleasant.

Humans really can't do this.

No wonder she is so unpopular, even Zhou Yaoyu dislikes her, probably she is the only one who doesn't.

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