Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

"Clatter——" came the sound of water in the bathroom.

"Heh, man." Shu Cheng's dark eyes were full of smiles, the corners of his lips curled up, and he took out his mobile phone to log in to the "An Zhiruo Su" V blog.

[Anda's new book is martial arts, so when will you write pure love! @安之如素 V]

[No matter what An Da writes, unconditionally support An Da! Anda come on! @安之如素 V]

Shu Cheng raised her eyebrows, flipped through the V blog, and watched this group of "big readers" who called themselves "little readers waiting to be fed" acted coquettishly and flirtatiously, threatening and luring her to release new books.

It is mainly a martial arts book, and the "New Martial Arts" published twice a month is really, really, no, enough, look, ah!

Shu Cheng even saw the two IDs [Daughter-in-law, you have a jj] and [Strong man, you are pregnant] among many noisy book fans.

Meng Huiqing was so anxious that he kept sending penguin messages to An Zhiruosu all night long.

"An Da, you must be asleep, right? You haven't responded to the news, when will you open a new book!" Meng Huiqing was in a hurry like a stunned boy, "Anda, when will you open a new book on online literature! Don't you open it?" My V blog is going to blow up! Your fans are going to have to greet all eight generations of your ancestors!"

Shu Cheng didn't log into Penguin account, so naturally she didn't know Meng Huiqing's anxiety. She opened her notebook, and the second part of Xiao Li Fei Dao series "The Prodigal Son in Border Town" had already been prepared. As for the fantasy and pure love that readers are looking forward to...

Shu Cheng thought for a while, and posted a V blog.

[An Zhiruo Su V: The bread will have of, the milk will also have of, everything all there will be. 】

After posting the V blog, Shu Cheng stopped looking at the comment section, opened a document similar to Word, and tapped the keyboard with his fingers.

Type the title of the book——

"The Days I Lived With The Stewardess"

As soon as An Zhiruosu's V blog was posted, An Dafan was instantly excited.

[Anda, so you still remember that you have Weibo! 】

[Lifetime series, see you soon! 】

[What does Anda V blog mean? So high! Begging for translation! 】

【Translation: There will be bread, there will be milk, there will be everything. 】

[This sentence is what I think it means, right? right? right? ! In other words, besides the new martial arts novel, is there anything else? ! Yeah? ! 】

[Aw~ looking forward to it! 】


The fans who saw the V blog stopped bombarding Meng Huiqing, the editor of An Zhiruo Su, and moved quickly and orderly.

Meng Huiqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and felt relieved to see V Bo, who was at ease.

The next moment, An Zhiruosu posted another V blog.

[An Zhi Ruo Su V: Three openings. 】

The two brief words in the introduction made all fans excited.

[An Dagao is simply the most diligent author I have ever seen in the online literature world, but An Da should pay more attention to his body! 】

[Anda, don't be too diligent, we are just playing around, Anda, don't worry, write slowly, quality is the key. 】

Shu Cheng flipped through the comment section, smiled slightly, and posted another V blog with a flick of a finger.

[An Zhi Ruo Su V:

Title: "The Day I Lived With the Stewardess"

Introduction: Ran Jing, a savage and gentle stewardess, was "picked up" by white-collar Lu Fei and returned home after being broken in love and drunk. Because of Lu Fei's stupidity and humor, Ran Jing began to contact him proactively. Afterwards, they accidentally got the key to Lu Fei's house, and soon began an unbelievable "cohabitation life".

Put the introduction first, update tomorrow. 】

["The Days I Lived With The Stewardess"? This topic is a bit YY! 】

[What about the headline party! In the last book "The First Intimate Contact", I thought An Da wrote that kind of YY article! As An Da is the godfather of pure love, this book must also be a title party. 】

I have to say, this dear friend is the truth.

On Earth, the reason why "The Days I Lived With a Stewardess" swept the Internet so much and made thousands of readers worry about the ending, lies in one word at its core: pure.

Under the seemingly erotic title of the author's 30-point book, it is a messy description of health.

The whole book has nothing to do with sex or cohabitation. The light and pure love is like a trickle, flowing through your heart, penetrating into the internal organs, spreading all over the nerve endings, and finally the whole body has been completely opened up by a touch of touch.

When I put down this book, I realized that I couldn't stop, and the fresh experience of love has become a lingering fascination in my mind.

This kind of power that is touching because of penetration is called pure love.

Shu Cheng swiped the V blog and started typing, "Kacha—" the sound of the bathroom door opening was heard, and a man with a towel on his back came out of the bathroom.

Shu Cheng stared at the notebook intently, typing one character after another quickly with his fingers on the keyboard.

Rong Junyi wiped some wet hair, his obsidian eyes swept towards Shu Cheng's laptop screen.

"The days when you lived with the stewardess?" The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and hugged her from behind the young man. The man's hard chest was pressed against the young man's back, lazy and expensive.

The young man's fingers froze slightly, and then he continued to code without changing his face.

The man raised his eyebrows, and said "Huh?" from his nasal cavity. The gorgeous and lazy voice made Shu Cheng's fingers stutter again, and his body felt a little crisp.

"You, what did you do to me?" The man played with the boy's hair with his fingers, lazily reading the sentence written by Shu Cheng.

This paragraph is the line of the flight attendant Ran Jing when she just woke up. Obviously the feelings in "Stewardess" cannot be more pure, but the man read it as a taste of pornography.

The corners of Shu Cheng's red lips curled up slightly, coordinating with the man, reading the line of "I" in the text with a heartless tone: "I remember I didn't do anything."

The boy said that he didn't do anything, but he had one free hand to grab the man's bath towel.

It looked like the man was about to take a cold shower again.

Shu Cheng turned his head, looked at the man with dark eyes, and smiled at Yan Yan: "Why don't you continue?"

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, and his obsidian-like eyes looked at the sentence that the young man typed in the file - "You beast, you, you."

Rong Junyi rubbed his nose and stood up decisively. Children are better at seductiveness.

But the young man didn't intend to let go of the daughter-in-law who took the initiative to tease her, his brows and eyes were full of smiles: "Continue to read?"

Rong Junyi: "..." According to the plot of a child, he always has a feeling that he has been cheated.

Rong Junyi decisively opened the child's wardrobe, threw her pajamas on the child, "Go take a bath."

"Ah..." Shu Cheng reluctantly picked up the clothes thrown by the man, turned his head, and glanced at the man, his eyes were full of doting and helplessness towards him.

Rong Junyi: "..."

Shu Cheng hummed a song, took the clothes and went to the bathroom.

Rong Junyi helplessly raised his forehead, and inadvertently glanced over...

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