The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 434 The Boat of Friendship (two in one) (two more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng looked at the emoji, and the corners of his lips twitched, she is so handsome, how could this group of fans see her cuteness?

However, everyone in WeChat sent him her emoticons in an unscrupulous way.

[Bai Lu: [Video: Shu Cheng's performance feels cute][Picture]]

The picture is an emoji of Shu Cheng standing on the podium. It is normal to look handsome, but the accompanying words are: Am I handsome? Feel cute!

[Zhou Yaoyu: Mengmeng, Xiao Chengzi, this embarrassing expression is fine! Look, look, everyone complained that I had a wave of fake fans, now it looks like you are the same! [picture]】

[Zhou Ziqian: Let you do it, no zuo no die, is it fun to cross-dress? It's fun! In the future, you can do another [squint smile] [picture]]

【Xing Le: Hahaha, stop being handsome and continue to be cute, I will become a handsome guy in the entertainment industry [laughs] [picture]]

[Fu Hao: Voice [picture]]

[Wu Dong: You are a good student, I support you, and this emoji is also pretty, hahahaha! [picture]】

[Yu Zhou: Oh, he's quite "handsome"! [picture]】


Shu Cheng sneered, "Plastic friendship!"

Post the picture on the V blog, and attach the text: The boat of friendship will turn over as soon as it is said [goodbye]

The comment section is buzzing.

Many people who have watched "show time" know that these people have a good relationship. Watching Shu Cheng reveal the screenshot of the chat, he laughed half to death.

[This group of people don't bully my cute boy Shu Cheng! [Laughing and crying][Laughing and crying]]

[@余周V@周耀宇V@白玉V@吴东V You let go of that boy and let me come! @朱成V]

[Young people don't cry, they are bad people! You just need #感感自己萌萌#]

[Youth don't cry, stand up and masturbate! [Laughing and crying]]

Shu Cheng can feel how Zhou Yaoyu was when he was ridiculed by the crowd #周耀宇假薇脸#, no wonder everyone said that the way of heaven is reincarnation, and the sky spares no one.

[How can you say that about a young man? 】

When the boy saw one of the countless V blogs with a particularly different style of painting, he immediately liked it and replied.

[Shu Cheng V[reply to V blog]: That's it! 】

However, what I didn't expect was that the next moment the person sent an immediate reply to the boy.

[How can you say that about a young man? The boy is so cute and has a personality! 】

Shu Cheng: "..."

People who saw this V blog.

"666, the trick king has also been tricked, and the master is indeed among the people!"

"If this were me, I would be able to play for a year if I became the recognized king of routines!"

Shu Cheng frowned, rolled his eyes, thought for a while, and reposted it on An Zhiruosu's V blog, so that when the time comes to reveal his identity, everyone will be able to bear it.

[An Zhiruo Su V[Forwarded V Bo]: The boat of friendship will turn over when it says it will turn over, the giant ship of love will sink when it says it will sink, the flame of family affection will go out when it says it will go out, a good straight man will bend when it says it will, and a young bird will fly when it says it will Fei, the willful weight gain as soon as he said it, the party he agreed to break up as soon as he said it, and the old Wang next door moved as soon as he said it. 】

An Zhiruosu's forwarding scared all An Zhiruosu's fans.

An Zhiruo hasn't updated his blog all year round. Everyone is used to the V-blog that has no nonsense except Chunai's series. Now he suddenly reposted a V-blog. Do you think it's scary?

【Am I not mistaken? Andy posted a blog! 】

【Mamma Mia! My Anda, is my account hacked? do not scare me! In case the account is stolen, what will happen to the serialization of "Stewardess" today? Don't scare me...I'm timid...]

[Is no one paying attention to the content of Anda's V blog? Emma, ​​you laughed so hard baby! 】

[Friendship's crib collapses as soon as it says it will, and Lao Wang next door moves it as soon as it wants, hahaha! 】

[Except Anda who is so talented! Laughing is baby! 】

[Wait, I, An Da, reposted my male god's V blog? ! Big news! My two male gods! Anda's first time! Inexplicably, I made up an annual passion drama! The bl story of the master of web literature and the god of entertainment, oh, oh, oh~ Excited! 】

[Full-time fans come to report! Warmly celebrate the first time that Anda is dedicated to teenagers! 】

[Full-time fans come to report! Warmly celebrate the first time that Anda is dedicated to teenagers! 】

Shu Cheng was taken aback by the inexplicable crookedness of the fans.

Shu Cheng: "..." She had sex with herself?

That is really advanced!

V Bo is too scary, Mama, I want to go home!

I really don't know why people in this plane have such big brain holes, they can think of these things even if they are farts, the key is that this thing has also been on the hot search of V blog.

Shu Cheng didn't understand for a moment, did someone spend money to buy trending searches for her, or did someone spend money to buy trending searches for her?

Songs like "Feeling I'm Cute" are hot searches, and I can't get rid of them. It's fine if she can't get rid of the word "Moe Mengda", now I can have sex with myself. It's very 666 up!

"The boat of friendship capsizes as soon as it says it will capsize" This kind of sentence that is badly used on the earth has become the golden sentence of the year here, and it also makes Shu Cheng feel that enough is enough.

At present, An Zhiruosu has always been a very cold image in everyone's mind, but Shu Cheng doesn't know when his handsome and cold painting style has changed into a cute painting style. How can these two people connect with you? None thought.

Except for the out-of-the-box rotten girls, no one connected these two people together, so they thought that An Zhiruo saw Shu Cheng's V blog from boredom and reposted it.


At the welcome party in the evening, Shu Cheng, who was the focus of the whole school, was naturally coaxed by everyone to perform on stage.

There is nothing wrong with performing on stage, the key is that when she was asked what to perform on stage, a group of girls rushed to answer what was going on?

"I feel cute!"

"Shu Cheng performs "I Feel Cute"!"

"Yes, I feel cute!"

"Cute! Cute! Cute!"

In the end, everyone booed together and shouted loudly: "I feel cute!"

Those who didn't know the situation thought that the students of Tsinghua University had gone crazy collectively!

Shu Cheng: "..." Tsinghua University is too scary, Mama, I want to go home!

Feeling the deep malice from the world, Shu Cheng finally accepted the man's "heart-warming" WeChat.

[Rong Junyi: Your aesthetic is really unique. 】

【Shu Cheng: Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken a fancy to you. 】

[Rong Junyi: I heard you are cute today? 】

【Shu Cheng: ...】

[Rong Junyi: The appearance in the video almost raises his nose to the sky. 】

[Shu Cheng: ... I have nothing to say about your current behavior except for a sneer. 】

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, looked at the WeChat messages sent by the man with his dark eyes, breathed out, and the corners of his dark red lips curled up slightly: "I will reflect on myself three times a day."

Am I being too polite?

Did I give him face?

Should I make a move?

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