The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 447: Two Gods Are In A Bad Mood (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The peaceful university life was going on in an orderly manner, and Shu Cheng didn't study as hard as before.

Yu Mingyang handed in the unsolved problems written by a certain teenager with a feverish brain, and the mathematics world was blown up, and then he began to check the calculations.

The acne-prone male god finally stopped his busy schedule and returned to his normal routine. Li Xinyu couldn't laugh or cry when he thought of Shu Cheng's behavior.

Some time ago, I didn't know what kind of stimulation I received, and I was busy and serious about doing things. Now I decided to take it easy because I had a pimple.

Xiao Shu is getting cuter and cuter!

However, Li Xinyu thinks the pimples between her eyebrows look pretty, although Shu Yankong doesn't think so.

A certain Yankong who is good at medicine saw that he had acne, so he immediately went to buy medicine. Although the certain Yankong knew that the acne would disappear soon, Shu Cheng was still very unhappy during the days when he had acne.

When Shu Cheng is unhappy, there are three ways to relieve it:

1. Eat lollipops.

2. Molesting Rong Junyi.

3. Routine people, non-stop routine people. She is happy when she sees other people are unhappy.

With a lollipop in his mouth and a mobile phone in his hand, Shu Cheng listened to the cold female voice next to his ear: "Hello, the number you dialed is not in the service area..."

Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes, held a lollipop in his mouth, and the corners of his bright red lips curled up, very good.

[Thirty percent of the anger value]

Shu Cheng clicked on WeChat and sent a WeChat message to Zhou Yaoyu, but he was not there.

Send Zhou Ziqian a WeChat message, but he's not there.

Send a wechat message to Bai Lu, she's not here.

Send a WeChat message to Xing Le, he is not there.

Send WeChat to Fu Hao, he is not there.

Send a WeChat message to Yu Zhou, he is not there.

Send a WeChat message to Ma Yuchuan, he is not there.


Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes again, and the corners of his bright red lips curled up with a lollipop in his mouth. Did he fall into the black hole collectively?

[Sixty percent of the anger value]


Angrily, Shu Cheng gnawed the lollipop into pieces, logged into Anzhiruosu's V blog, and saw countless @自己的话话.

Shu Cheng's dark eyes dimmed, and he found out what happened.


The timeline rewinds to a few days ago.

Wu Junze leisurely waited for the announcement of the sales figures, imagining the beautiful days when An Zhiruo was under his feet.

"Ring ring ring—" the phone rang, Wu Junze glanced at the caller ID, and took the call with a smile.

"Wu Junze! Why are you bothering with An Zhiruosu?! Do you know how much the sales volume of "You Long" magazine has dropped?! Five percent! A five percent drop! Finally invited Liuzhu God You only increased the sales of the magazine by 2%, and in the blink of an eye you caused the sales of the magazine to drop by 5%, you are really, well, good! "

Wu Junze was taken aback by the crackling and cursing on the other end of the phone. The sales volume of "You Long" magazine has dropped? How could it be down?

His new book is obviously excellent!

Is it possible that An Zhiruo can write better than him?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

"Wu Junze, don't you know how many fans An Zhiruosu has now? The craze for martial arts was brought about by An Zhiruosu. Young people like An Zhiruosu's works and cheer for him. The old man is grateful for An Zhiruosu's upsurge of martial arts and brought martial arts back to life. You Actually go to diss him openly, can't find anything to do?!"

"Who do you think you are? The youngest new master of martial arts? The quality of the works is not good enough, this name is not a fart!"

Wu Junze's face turned black and he was scolded so badly. It's not the first time I met him. After all, when I was writing online articles, I was always bullied by An Zhiruosu's idiot fans every day, but this time is different. I have always been optimistic about him. All acquaintances have said so.

Wu Junze was so angry that he vomited blood, his eyes were bloodshot fiercely, he was at ease, everything was at ease.

Wu Junze clenched his fists as he listened to the scolding words in his ear, trying to calm down his tone, "An Zhiruosu and much is the difference in sales?"

"Hehe, the sales volume of An Zhiruosu is more than twice that of yours. I told you before to let you put away your arrogance. Don't think that you are the only genius in the world! How are you doing now? You..."

"You, said, enough, is it?!" Wu Junze gritted his teeth and hung up the phone.


The timeline is pulled back to the present.

The Internet is full of crusade against Wu Junze.

[Let a friend help the human flesh come out, Wu Junze, back in Wanjiazhuang, he was the hot chicken author who kept scolding Anda in the Internet literature circle! The picture is what he said when he scolded Anda [screenshot][screenshot][screenshot]]

[Wu Junze, hahahaha, the sales volume was slapped in the face by An Da, right? Who do you think you are! We Anda fans are not easy to bully, Anda is our god, no one will allow anyone to slander us! 】

[Anda has never offended you, your remarks are a bit too much! 】

[Damn, Wu Junze is Wanjiazhuang? ! 】

[Wori, brothers, do you still remember the screenshot of the chat between Long Xiao and Wanjiazhuang when it broke out! Finally found the right owner! 】

The news that Wu Junze is Wanjiazhuang made everyone angry. Everyone knows how Wanjiazhuang scolded people in the comment section of An Zhiruosu's book. Even in the text of his book, he was referring to Sang Huai and scolding An Zhiruosu. I didn't expect this person to He is a master of martial arts!

This kind of character, let alone An Zhiruosu's fans, even ordinary passers-by can't stand it.

【I'll go, this Wu Junze's character is disgusting! I just went to An Zhiruo Su's comment area to look through it, I'll go, the scolding is too ugly! 】

[This Wu Junze Nima is so disgusting! An Zhiruosu never said a word about him, okay? 】

Looking at V Bo, Wu Junze blushed with anger, and immediately replied to V Bo without thinking——

[Wu Junze V: An Zhiruosu has been mindlessly targeting me from the beginning to the end, can't you see it? ! Are you blind? 】

Wu Junze vented a lot, only to realize that something was wrong, and immediately deleted the V blog he just posted.

But almighty netizens have already taken screenshots.

【Mom... I've learned a lot, it's really kindness that curbs my imagination, I didn't expect that there are such people in this world! Anda against you? Hehe, what qualifications do you have for Anda to target you? It's disgusting to me. 】

【An Zhiruosu is really good-tempered, he didn't care about this kind of brainless person...】

Shu Cheng, who was chewing on the crushed lollipop, raised her eyebrows slightly. She didn't intend to get into trouble with this Wu Junze at first. She hasn't read the book review section for a long time, and now she knows Wu Junze's daily scolding, tsk.

I target you?

[Eighty percent anger]

Shu Cheng put his hands on the keyboard, typed with a crackling voice, and said in a lazy voice with impatience, "There are always hot chickens who want to make me angry."

It's time for ridicule, even my brother will teach you what it means to swear!

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