The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 449 Abused until you are convinced, two in one (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

So an unknown trumpet started the journey of trolling people.

Shu Cheng frowned, with a sneer on the corner of his lips, "Come on, have fun! There's plenty of time anyway!"

[A clear stream in the curse world: Baby is in a bad mood today! @吴君泽V】

Seeing that you are in a bad mood, the baby will be in a good mood.

Of course, an excellent socialist successor like Shu Cheng who grew up under the red flag thinking about "how to save the spiritual world of mankind and how to make the world peaceful" will not base his happiness on the pain of others in general. above.

So a certain face control with acne did not hesitate to post a V blog on the trumpet——

[A clean stream in the curse world:

The baby guesses that the teenager is now saying in his heart: Don't talk to me, I have a cleanliness.


The picture is an emoticon pack, with Wu Junze's face and Shu Cheng's face on each, Shu Cheng made a gesture of refusal, accompanied by words, hold back and talk to me, I have a cleanliness freak.

Shu Cheng thought for a while, then lightly tapped the pads of his fingers next to the laptop keyboard, took out his mobile phone and logged into An Zhiruosu's V blog, without saying a word, just forwarded a V blog.

Seeing that the protagonist of this story, An Zhiruosu, came out, netizens immediately clicked on the latest V blog.

[It is indeed in line with the psychology of the young man at this time, wow! Lu Zhuan Fan @叫人界的一条清流】

[This @言人界 is a clear stream, it is indeed a clean stream! [Laughing and crying] When everyone is talking about grass mud horses, fuck you, they have already learned the male god @朱成V's swearing without being dirty, and even made an emoticon pack. I have to say that this emoticon pack is well done, it is simply 666! 】

[This scolding battle is so awesome. In the past, it was full of foul language and swearing, but it was banned in the end. Now this scolding battle is so high-end? ! Awesome! 】

[This stream of @叫人界's clear stream is amazing! This emoticon package is well done... a clean stream in the human world! 】

[Give your knees to Your Excellency! @叫人界的一流清流】

Shu Cheng squinted his eyes, using his mobile phone to switch Shu Cheng's V blog number, reposted An Zhiruosu's V blog, and attached the text: Correct solution!

The three numbers kept switching back and forth, and Shu Cheng had a great time playing, and one of them had a new emoji package.

[A clean stream in the curse world:

An Zhiruosu, Shu Cheng's heart: I can't bear shit and pee, but I can't bear you @吴君泽V. [Emoji package]]

[A clean stream in the curse world:

Shu Cheng's heart: A slap can slap you to the wall and you won't be able to buckle @吴君泽V. [Emoji package]]

[A clean stream in the curse world:

An Zhiruosu's heart: Any artificial intelligence is no match for your natural fool @吴君泽V. [Emoji package]]

[A clean stream in the curse world:

Shu Cheng's heart: Seeing your face, I feel that your parents didn't take it seriously when they made you @吴君泽V. [Emoji package]]

[A clean stream in the curse world:

There is a kind of person who has to be pointed at his nose before he knows he is being scolded @吴君泽V. [Emoji package]]

[A clean stream in the curse world:

The longer I get in touch with @吴君泽V, the more I like dogs. Dogs are always dogs, and people are sometimes not people. [Emoji package]]

[A clean stream in the curse world:

When your mother gave birth to you, it was adjusted to a random state. Your father is from Unit 731, right? He didn't understand the research on the virus, so he researched you out. Animals turn into humans when they wear this clothes, you will turn into animals as soon as you put it on? 】

[A clean stream in the curse world:

When you turn back 1, you scare a row of teaching buildings, when you turn 2, the landslides and the ground cracks and the water flows backwards, when you turn 3, Halley’s Comet hits the earth, and when you turn 4, Yao Ming switched to playing table tennis! @吴君泽V】


This scolding battle seems to have jumped from Shu Cheng'an's Ruosu to a special scolding battle of "a clean stream in the scolding world" alone!

Countless people started to take out melon seed soda, and watched the excitement with a smile on their faces.

"This Qingliu is really a god!"

"The method of swearing is so superb, there is no dirty word at all, and there are so many sentences of swearing without repetition! I really worship you! Bow your head to the boss!"

"I'm overwhelmed by labor and management. I always thought that I was already swearing enough. I didn't expect to be able to do this?! Brother Qingliu posted emoticons at an amazing speed!"

"Worship the boss, bow your head to the boss! Rarely awesome! Awesome!"


The emojis from the scolding world flowed out at lightning speed. Wu Junze's cursing was only one sentence without quality, and he kept repeating it.

Wu Junze was so angry that he vomited blood watching this scene, this is An Zhiruo Su Shucheng's fan, what kind of quality is this! Why do you want to scold a clean stream in the human world? !

[Wu Junze V: Who are you! Rubbing heat is not like this! @叫人界的一流清流】

Shu Cheng looked at the three words "流热度" and narrowed his eyes slightly.

[An Zhiruo Su V: I'll give him a rub @叫人界的一条清流]

An Zhiruosu's bV blog, the comment area exploded again!

[Anda mighty! Anda is domineering! Anda is handsome! 】

[Anda mighty! Anda is domineering! Anda is handsome! 】

[Anda mighty! Anda is domineering! Anda is handsome! 】

[An Da said, the heat makes you goof off, scold me casually! 】


Wu Junze smashed the computer angrily, but finally he couldn't help but stop!

[Wu Junze V: An Zhiruosu targets me everywhere, am I wrong? Can't I have a little bit of free speech? What happened to what I said in the comment section of An Zhi Ruo Su? ! Do you know about freedom of speech! Internet texts are like this, there is no writing or plot at all, am I wrong? 】

Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes, and looked at the candy box again, only to find that there was no candy, and his heart became more and more angry. This Wu Junze wasted her time and affected her mood.

[An Zhiruosu V: Am I targeting you? 】

[Wu Junze V: Isn't it? They have targeted me overtly and covertly many times, and the new releases have been released at the same time as me many times. Isn't it because I just became a famous martial arts master not long ago, and I feel easy to be bullied at a young age! 】

Seeing this sentence, all the netizens sneered, for? Anda needs to target you?

Is it up to the publishing house to decide when a book is released? What does it have to do with An Zhiruosu? !

[An Zhiruo Su V: This world is not your mother everywhere, you have to give in to you everywhere, it is the first time to be a human being, why should I let you? @吴君泽V】

An Zhiruosu didn't like to speak much in this V blog, which can be regarded as having a high-cold image. Now that he posts a V blog again, he naturally got a lot of likes and support from netizens!

[Anda said well! 】

[Anda v587! 】


Seeing that the scolding battle was almost over, Wu Junze took out a knife from the kitchen.

Shu Cheng thought of the pimple on his forehead, and raised the corners of his lips, the baby will abuse you until you are convinced!

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