The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 478: The Next Song (Third)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[The wind and rain send spring back, and the snow welcomes spring. It is already a cliff of hundreds of feet of ice, and there are still beautiful flowers and branches.

Beauty does not compete for spring, but only reports spring. When the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she laughs in the bushes.

Bu Suanzi · Yongmei]

With a smile on the corner of the young man's lips, the natural and unrestrained fonts appear vividly on the paper, setting off the song "Bu Suanzi · Yongmei", expressing the integrity of plum blossoms in the poems, and integrating them with the poems. Words are poems, and poems are poems. Character.

Good words, but also good poetry!

Zhu Xingxing looked at the poem with the same title as before, "Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei" in shock, but the poem was completely different from the mood he wanted to express just now. His eyes were full of horror when he looked at the young man.

Different from the previous images of plum blossoms in "Lonely and Unrepentant" and "Sorrowful Alone at Dusk", the plum blossoms in this song "Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei" are full of pride, hard ice cannot damage its bones, and snow cannot hide its beauty , Dangerous situations cannot destroy their aspirations!

The boy threw the finished lollipop into the trash can, watched the poem and whistled, his lazy voice floating in the air: "Sure enough, this poem is more suitable for my mood."

How could she be the kind of person who "doesn't intend to fight hard for spring, and is always jealous of others. The scattered pieces are turned into mud and dust, and only the fragrance remains the same"!

Is Qunfang jealous? Tsk, how is it possible? !

Scattered into mud and dust? Why did she become so miserable?

The crowd didn't know the young man's inner voice, and they couldn't help but be taken aback when they heard the young man's words: "Domineering!"

The Tsinghua students in this event have been children of other people's families in the outside world since they were young. They all have a sense of self-proud and rarely praise others.

For a long time, they have been called academic masters and geniuses by others, but they are nothing in front of young people like this!

"'The cliff is hundreds of feet of ice, but there are still beautiful flowers and branches.' Plum blossoms bloom beautifully on the cliff where the ice is frozen for hundreds of feet. Nima, the word "pretty" is simply magical!"

"This Shu Cheng is simply too strong! Nima, I seem to have mocked her before?"

"British poet Shelley sang in "Ode to the West Wind" 'The severe winter has come, will spring be far behind?' The plum blossoms in full bloom in the severe winter are the earliest messengers of spring. , this kind of selfless and desireless character is simply...I...I don't know how to describe it!"

"It's such a saying that 'when the mountain flowers are in full bloom, she will laugh in the bushes'. When spring comes, the proud and tall plum blossoms stand alone, without the slightest jealousy, but are very happy and peacefully hidden in the brilliant spring scenery."

In the last song "Bu Suanzi·Yong Mei", the plum blossoms are "envied by the crowd", they are opposite to the other flowers, and they claim to be noble with "the fragrance is as old", but in this poem Shu Cheng expresses It is humble and refined, open-minded and generous.

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, expressing that he was really magnanimous and not stingy at all.

Didn't it just make her unhappy? What's up! She is so humble and refined, open-minded and magnanimous, she definitely won't care about it!

I will definitely care about it!

Of course, everyone who didn't know the boy's inner language blushed immediately when they saw the open-mindedness expressed in Shu Cheng's poem.

One by one they ran over to apologize to Shu Cheng.

"I'm sorry boy."

"I'm sorry boy."


Guan Yufei on the periphery of the crowd glanced at Shu Cheng's words, and frowned at the group of people apologizing to the boy: "Oh, human beings."

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