The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 486: Let's tease (three more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Rong Junyi stared at a certain boy for a few seconds, sighed helplessly, picked up the certain boy, and walked into the house.

The moment he entered the bedroom, the young man raised his eyebrows slightly, put his hands around the man's neck, moved his body, and put his lips together for a lingering kiss.

"Don't tease me." The man's obsidian-like eyes stared at the boy, and there was darkness in his deep eyes. He gently put the boy on the bed.

However, the boy's hand hooked his neck and refused to let go. The man paused, staring at the boy's eyes with a hint of warning.

However, the young man, who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, wants to go to a man as soon as he sees it. How can he care about other things?

"You did it on purpose." The young man pursed his lips unconsciously, his dark eyes looked at the avoiding man.

The man sat on the chair with his eyes closed, and the boy's voice was like an aphrodisiac to him.

"A you hear it?" The young man looked at the handsome man with his eyes closed, and there was a hint of cunning in his dark eyes, but the man who closed his eyes didn't feel it.

The man with his eyes closed intuitively told him that the boy's lullaby must be unusual.

Without waiting for the man to agree or disagree, Shu Cheng began to make a delicate voice.

The man's eyes were closed, and the juvenile's itchy voice was a great challenge to a man's self-control.

The song the young man sang at this time is called "Majestic and Prestige". This song "Majestic and Prestige" is famous for its delicate and charming, and is favored by the majority of cover fans and gentry (hen) scholars (tai).

However, while the young man was singing, Qianqian's hands didn't stop, and he unbuttoned the man's third button from top to bottom, revealing the man's strong chest.


The man opened his eyes, staring at the young man with obsidian-like eyes, his deep voice was hoarse, and the sound of panting came to the young man's ears, with a bit of gnashing of teeth: "Shu! Cheng! I, yes , one, positive, normal, male, human!"

With a smile on the corners of the young man's lips, he nodded slightly, and continued to unbutton the man regardless, his fingers seemed to touch the man's chest, "I know."

The man's obsidian-like eyes looked at the young man who straddled him, the eyes were dark and full of lust.

a long time.

"Your Majesty, I'm not feeling well, so I'll take my leave first. Let's go through another concubine's name tonight." Of course the young man knows how to accept it when he's ready. After the lullaby is over, it's time for the man to go to sleep.

"Are you willing?" The man raised his lower abdomen, staring fixedly at the young man who left him and started to straighten his clothes.

The young man at this time is handsome, combined with the situation in the room at this time and the man's disheveled appearance, there is a feeling that the young man "pulls up his pants and doesn't recognize anyone".

The young man shrugged his shoulders, with a smile on the corner of his red lips, his lazy voice floated in the air: "Aren't there still noblemen left and noble right, they have been with the emperor for so many years."

"Shu! Cheng!"


"Wow—" The sound of water in the bathroom continued.

Rong Junyi was drenched in cold water, and the anger in his heart could not be suppressed at all. Thinking of a young man outside who smiled like a little fox, he couldn't help but want to...

Hearing the sound coming from the bathroom, the young man raised his eyebrows slightly, his red lips curled into an evil smile, and he turned the handle——

"Rong Junyi, do you want my help?"

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