The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 492 Two in one (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Of course, Shu Cheng "borrowed" the recording studio from Zhou Ziqian.

Here's the thing --

One day, the WeChat chat interface.

[Shu Cheng: Lend me your professional recording studio for a day. 】

[Zhou Ziqian: Have you finally realized that the sound quality of the video is too bad? 】

[Zhou Ziqian: Wait...why not a question mark? 】

[Shu Cheng: I am notifying you. 】

[Zhou Ziqian: ...youth, how thick-skinned are you? 】

[Shu Cheng: Our friendship is enough to cover this recording studio. 】

[Zhou Ziqian: ...Young man, let me ask weakly, do we have friendship? 】

[Shu Cheng: I planned to give you a song that suits you very well, but now it seems that I don't need it. 】

【Zhou Ziqian: Don't! I borrow it! Isn't it just one day! Who are we brothers with whom! 】

[System prompt: Zhou Ziqian withdrew a message. 】

Shu Cheng nodded in satisfaction, and she didn't care how Zhou Ziqian poked her afterwards.

As for the song or something, I will give it to him when she is in a good mood.

Zhou Ziqian obviously realized it, and scolded: "It's really inhumane! People who used to know how to play routines, but now they don't play routines. After achieving their goals, people disappear. Don't play like this! Plastic friendship! !"

"Shu Cheng's fans should really see how bad their male gods are in private!" Zhou Ziqian held his mobile phone angrily, of course it was just a joke.

The next day, Shu Cheng uploaded the recorded songs to the original music website, and forwarded the news on V blog.

[Shu Cheng V[attach link]: "Actor" and other songs were released, and a new song "The Heavy Rain I Missed in Those Years" was released, thank you for listening. 】

[Aoooooooo~ Is there finally a studio version without noise? 】

[Sahua, Sahua, Sahua! 】

【Super Plus enjoy! Super Plus enjoy! 】

[There is a new song released! Excited! Support the king's new song! Support the king's new song! While concentrating on studies, I haven’t forgotten about us music fans who are waiting to be fed. Excited! 】

[The name of the new song is "The Heavy Rain I Missed in Those Years"? As a member of An Dafan, I somehow think of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" [laughs and tears]]


An Lumian, as a member of the boy's fan club, naturally paid special attention to the boy's release of new songs.

The moment I saw the title of the song, An Ruomian recalled An Zhiruosu's "Those Years, The Girl We Chased Together", and Fan Yi wrote the lyrics and composed "Those Years" some time ago to use An Zhiruosu to hype, this matter is naturally extraordinarily special attention.

An Lumian frowned, thinking that this must be a coincidence!

She put on her earphones and clicked on the song——

"Back to the beginning again,"

"Your youthful face in memory,"

"We've finally come to this day,"

"Old photographs under the table rug,"

"Countless memory links,"

"Today the boy is going to the girl's last appointment."


An Sleeping's eyes lit up, and the corners of her lips were slightly pursed. This is... This is... the story of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years"?

This is... the story of Ke Jingteng and Shen Jiayi?

"I really want to go back to those years,"

"Back to front and rear of classroom seats,"

"I deliberately asked you to scold me gently."

"Arrange and combine on the blackboard,"

"Are you willing to untie it?"

"Whoever sits with whom he loves her."

There is no doubt about falling asleep here, this is the story of An Zhiruosu's "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years".

"The heavy rain that I missed in those years,"

"The love I missed in those years,"

"I really want to embrace your courage to embrace misses."

"I once wanted to conquer the world,"

"I didn't realize until the end when I looked back,"

"Every bit of this world is all about you."


"The heavy rain that I missed in those years,"

"The love I missed in those years,"

"I really want to tell you,"

"Tell you I haven't forgotten,"

"The sky was full of stars that night,"

"A promise under parallel time and space,"

"When we meet again, I will hold you tight,"

"Holding you tight..."

After listening to it, An Lumian was still excited. She had heard Fan Yi's "Those Years", but the gap between that "Those Years" and this song by Shu Cheng was simply too great.

The lyrics of this song simply sum up the plot outline of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", which makes people recall the plot in the book while listening to the song, making people immerse themselves in it.

No, even if you haven't read the original, you will be attracted by this song because it is excellent.

[Wuli male god is awesome! The new song is awesome! Nima like me, who has read the original, actually cried! 】

[This song is based on a novel? Please tell me what novel it is? 】

[An Zhiruosu's "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" is super beautiful, I recommend you to check it out! 】

The title of Shu Cheng's hot searched little prince is indeed a must, and the new song has undoubtedly been on the top of the V blog.

What's more, the author of the original work, An Zhiruosu, reposted Shu Cheng's V blog.

An Zhiruosu, who has always been known for his aloofness, once again posted a V blog, and fans were blown up.

【Ahhh! It’s the second time this month that Anda has updated his blog? Super Plus enjoy! I thought Anda had already uninstalled Vbo! 】

[I can't hold back my little excitement, wait, An Da reposted Shu Cheng's new song? 】

[I just listened to Shu Cheng's new song, and I wanted to hate it when I saw the title of the song, and another one came to grab An's popularity, but after listening to the song, I was confused, do I want to hate it? In the end, Anda actually forwarded Shu Cheng's new song? I don't have to worry about it! 】

[Shu Cheng's new song? You must listen to what An Da recommends! 】

[Shu Cheng's song is super nice! Every line of the lyrics is a story in "Those Years"! That sounds super touching! I feel like reviewing Anda's "Those Years"! 】

Shu Cheng glanced at the V blog, decisively gave a like to the above V blog, and then commented:

【An Zhiruo Su V: Have vision. 】

Seeing the nickname of the V blog that commented, Shu Cheng was obviously taken aback, why did he use this V blog to comment?

Do you want An Zhiruo's high-cold personality?

【Depend on! Depend on! Depend on! Andy replied to me? ! Am I reading this wrong? Did you read it wrong? 】

[An Da said that he has vision, which means that the song of Wuli male god is really in line with An Da's wishes! Why would Anda suddenly reply to the message? 】

【Shu Cheng is really super talented! Anda praised him like that! 】

[Shu Cheng? The Shu Cheng who wrote "The Melting Pot"? He also watched Anda's "Those Years"? ! 】

It wasn't until later that everyone realized how thick Shu Cheng's face was when Shu Cheng was An Zhiruosu, and An Zhiruosu's "sightseeing" reply was also complained by everyone. Don't be too narcissistic!

Never seen such a brazen person!

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