The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 495 What kind of person is An Zhiruosu? (two more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

[Shu Cheng V[reply to V blog]: I know it! 】

How could she not know herself...

The V blog is boiling, and An Dafan is boiling, all of them poured into Shu Cheng's V blog.

[Aww~ My male god and my favorite author actually know each other? ! Excited! No wonder An Da only interacts with male gods! @朱成V@安之如素V]

[Aooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo God, isn’t An Da a handsome uncle with a gentle manner? ! Ask for answers Ask for answers! @朱成V]

[@朱成V How long have you known An Da? How did you meet? What kind of person is Anda usually? What does it look like? Are you handsome? ah! So many questions to ask! 】

[Is An Da a middle-aged man who picks his feet? Boy, ask for an answer! @朱成V]

[@朱成V安大Do you often communicate with you? You write so well, and An Da writes so well, but the two of you write in different styles. How did you and An Da know each other? 】


Shu Cheng got hundreds of replies with one swipe. She leisurely took out a lollipop from the candy box, tore off the wrapper and handed it to her mouth.

How did An Zhiruosu meet her?

Is An Zhiruosu handsome?

What kind of person is An Zhiruo usually?

The corners of Shu Cheng's lips curled up slightly with the lollipop in his mouth, his pretty eyes narrowed slightly, and his fingers danced on the keyboard.

Since everyone asked kindly, how could she not answer?

[Shu Cheng V:

Many friends are asking me about An Zhiruosu and I discussed it with An Zhiruosu, so I will answer some of you!

1. An Zhiruosu and I have known each other for a long time, so I won’t say much about how we met.

2. Even if you get tired of seeing An Zhiruosu's face, you will feel amazing at a glance.

3. An Zhiruosu has always been a noble person in my heart, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped vulgar interests, and a person who is beneficial to the people.

Well, let's stop here. 】

With a lollipop in his mouth, Shu Cheng stared at the notebook with dark eyes, and finished posting this long series of Weibo without blushing and heartbeat, without any shyness at all.

Sure enough, when the young man turned his words around, Vbo exploded again.

【Wow! I read it right! An Da looks so handsome that even teenagers think? ! 】

[Anda is a handsome writer? ! 】

[The boy didn't taunt? The boy never praised other people's looks! I have always felt that in the minds of teenagers, it has always been "the most cunning labor, the most handsome labor and the number one in the world"! Didn't think that teenagers would even praise others? 】

[Young people sometimes praise others, but they are always routine, but this time, you can feel the young man's admiration for Anda from the lines, so... is Anda so strong? 】

[You human beings who only care about appearance, have you not noticed that what the young man said about An Da is "a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who is out of vulgar tastes, and a person who is beneficial?" People who belong to the people"? 】

[An Da must be a handsome uncle to make the young man comment like this! And he is a very thoughtful handsome uncle! 】


the other side.

Holding the phone, Rong Junyi looked at the long series of solemn words on Shu Cheng's V blog, praising An Zhiruo Su, his thin lips curled up imperceptibly.

With the skin of a child, mosquitoes should not be able to get in in summer.

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