The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 596 The legend left by Shu Cheng 3 (fourth update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Academic, contentious, democratic.

Don't recognize the relatives, only recognize the works; when there are rumors from all directions, you can take the helm;

The above has always been the selection purpose of the Golden Rooster Award.

The Hundred Flowers Award is just an "Audience Award", while the Golden Rooster Award is an "Audience Award", which is more authoritative.

At the Golden Rooster Awards, Shu Cheng once again won three trophies!

In more than a year since his debut, Shu Cheng has won a total of six trophies, and the speed of his growth has shocked everyone.

Netizens are boiling again.

Even though Shu Cheng is not around now, news about him is everywhere.

The last hot search not long ago, netizens are no strangers to it.

The next annual original music ceremony also kicked off.

Shu Cheng once again won two trophies!

Shu Cheng's achievements in music have been recognized by everyone.

This is confirmed by the nominations of many of Shu Cheng's songs at the Music Awards.

Shen He is a little flustered now, it feels really good to win the prize and get soft hands!

Although a certain artist didn't know where to go to play.

[You are very stubborn, does the family know? @朱成V]

[There are also trophies in music! Simply amazing! But where did the male god go? I don't even know where he is? Why don't you come to accept the award? @朱成V[excited][excited][excited]]

[Shu Cheng's eighth trophy, hahaha! Awesome! Awesome! [Excited] [Circles]]

[The feeling of getting a prize and being soft-handed seems really cool! 】

[One year, eight trophies.

Pianpian young man, who else but me. 】

[One year, eight trophies.

Pianpian young man, who else but me. 】

【Who else? ! 】

[I'll just ask for the young man, who else? ! 】

[I'm just asking for the boy now, who else? ! 】


the other side.

Yu Ming is nervously doing math calculations.

a year.

The world-class mathematics problem that Shu Cheng solved at the beginning is now undergoing a step-by-step check.

There is nothing wrong with the front.

Now it's the end.

Yu Mingyang was a little excited, hoping that the calculation would be successful, and he must not fall short.

If it succeeds, there will be another boy who is only 18 years old as a world-class mathematician!

This eighteen-year-old boy is his student!

Now Yu Mingyang holds his head up no matter where he goes, and the old man he is familiar with from the mathematics department listens to him talking every day.

"Old Wang, do you know? This eighteen-year-old boy is my student!"

"Old Wu, do you know? This eighteen-year-old boy is my student!"

"Old Zhao, do you know? This eighteen-year-old boy is my student!"

"Lao Li, do you know? This eighteen-year-old boy is my student!"


"This boy who is only eighteen years old is my student! Are your students comparable? My student is only eighteen years old, hahaha!"

"Don't be too happy, what will you do if you fall short by then?"

"I know the strength of my students!"

When Yu Mingyang received that Shu Cheng wanted to go to the World Mathematical Contest in Modeling.

The first moment: You, a world-class mathematician, compete with undergraduates in mathematics?

The second moment: This... seems not bad!

Third Moment: Go, Pikachu! Show off our prestige!



You don't have to worry about the alternate selection of the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award every other year. Let me emphasize that this is a parallel world!

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