The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 611 He's back (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

This day is the day when the latest episode of "The Most Powerful Brain" is broadcast, and countless people are watching in front of the TV.

"Where is the super brain of Country Z?" the host shouted out that extremely familiar line.

"Here!" The audience cheered in unison.

The comment section on the official website of "The Most Powerful Brain" is still full of insults to that extremely arrogant challenger. It doesn't matter if you challenge anyone. This is a provocation to everyone's favorite contestant.

Some people said that the challenger was Shu Cheng, but many people didn't believe it.

David provoked Shu Cheng so many times, but Shu Cheng didn't come to the competition, how could it be him this time?

The show officially started. After two failed challengers, the host said: "This challenger is very special."

Everyone standing in front of the computer immediately raised their spirits. This should be the extremely arrogant person in the trailer, right?

"What's so special?" a guest asked.

The corner of the host's lips twitched, "He has too many specials, please watch our short video below."

A handsome and extremely delicate face first appeared on the screen. His eyes were full of flamboyant self-confidence, his eyebrows that slanted into his temples were hidden under the cover of messy bangs, and there seemed to be a hint of playfulness at the corners of his mouth. Smile, there is a smell of evil and ruffian.

This is... Shu Cheng!

really him?

It really is him!

After a year, he came back.

The person who said on the official website before that it would definitely not be Shu Cheng only felt the burning pain in the face from the beating.

Tears welled up in the eyes of Shu Cheng's fans, the boy who was always creating miracles, he finally came back.

Their year of waiting was not in vain.

Shu Cheng's short video is different from others, it is not his own narration, but someone else's voice.

[Two years ago, he debuted in the entertainment industry, leaving behind classics such as "Gone with the Wind", "Fatal Magic", and "Detachment"! 】

[Two years ago, he wrote poems such as "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms Blooming", which have now become masterpieces that shocked the world! 】

[Two years ago, he solved the world's unsolved problems! 】

[Two years ago, he wrote classic songs such as "Actor" and "Chasing Dreams"! 】

[A year ago, he won eight trophies alone. 】

[Three Hundred Flowers Awards trophies, three Golden Rooster Awards trophies, two original music awards! 】

[He is the first top scorer in the college entrance examination in history, and he is the youngest world-class mathematician in history! 】

【he is--】

The word "Shu Cheng" appeared in front of everyone's eyes on the big screen.

As soon as the screen changed, the delicate and handsome face of the young man appeared in the video, just like the first time I saw it.

The corners of Shu Cheng's lips were raised, and there was a trace of tenderness in his pitch-black eyes, "Hi everyone, I'm Shu Cheng."

"I'm back."

The lazy voice is full of unknown feelings.

Without any warning, the young man snorted softly: "You took my hand into tomorrow's wind and rain, no matter how rough the road ahead is, you are firm, thank you."

Shu Cheng's fans looked at the boy and burst into tears.

When the boy left, there was no news, no farewell, and everything was announced long after the boy left.

They once thought that such a genius in the entertainment industry was just for fun, but the song "Thank You" made fans completely dispel this idea.

The video continues -

Question: "Shu Cheng, come back after a year, have you read the comments from netizens?"

This refers to the numerous abusive comments.

"Look." Shu Cheng's posture was lazy, she didn't care, and her smile was lazy, "It's quite fun."

Ask: "Don't you care?"

Shu Cheng smiled: "It's not surprising that I'm so handsome, smart and talented, and people are jealous."

"Actually, in this world, if you are smart, some people will say that you are scheming. If you work hard, some people will say that you are lucky. If you are naturally optimistic, some people will say that you are hypocritical. Sometimes, you are clearly a glass of white water, but you are hardened. Life is forced into a carbonated drink full of aggrieved stomachs." Shu Cheng's dark eyes stretched far and wide, full of depth, "One has met too many people in one's life, as long as one's heart is clear, one will never have to please and care about someone who doesn't understand you. "

Others don't know, but Shu Cheng's fans know it all too well, how much abuse, slander and insult Shu Cheng has received since his debut, every time Shu Cheng is slapped in the face with his strength.

Shu Cheng has never cried about what he has received, and often laughs and praises his handsomeness and wit.

Walking step by step, Shu Cheng's experience is more than twice that of other male stars.

Fortunately, Shu Cheng has been creating miracles and has never let everyone down.


Q: "Why did you come to "The Most Powerful Brain" this time?"

Shu Cheng's soft laughter overflowed from his lips, "Someone wants to be abused. As a good young man of the motherland, I think I should help him."

"Three days after the show aired, the new sci-fi book "I, Robot" was released."

As soon as the video ended, the official website exploded instantly.

[Nimma, watching that part of Shu Cheng brought tears to my eyes! 】

[I used to want to laugh when I saw a teenager laughing and saying, "I'm so handsome and smart and talented, it's not surprising that people are jealous", but now I just want to cry when I think about it. 】

【The boy, he, is back. @朱成V]

[May the young people here laugh like flowers, forever like the first time they saw each other! ? @ Shu Cheng V】

[Even if there are thousands of stars, it is enough to love only one person. @朱成V]

[May you always look like a teenager, may you not be fettered by troubles, may your smile remain the same as before, and may your future be the same as you expected. @朱成V]

【Shu Cheng, I fell in love with you two years ago, and I became your junior girl after you left for a year. Thank you for making me who I am now! @朱成V]

["Someone wants to be abused. As a good young man in the motherland, I think I should help him." Three days after the program was broadcast, the new science fiction book "I, Robot" was released. This is talking about David! Excited! I smell gunpowder smoke! 】

[The new book has collided with the science fiction that David is good at! David's new book has also just been released! Shu Cheng is going to make trouble! Do you think Shu Cheng's science fiction can be compared to David? 】

【I don’t know. After all, this is Shu Cheng’s first sci-fi work. I think David is more likely to win. 】

[Although I really hope that Shu Cheng can win, I still think David is more likely to win. 】

[Is the new book about robots? look forward to! 】

[What are you expecting! I don't even know how to write it! 】

[Upstairs, do you know? Sometimes, you are obviously just a glass of plain water, but you are forcefully forced into a carbonated drink full of aggrieved stomachs. 】

The guests present and the scientific jury also applauded one after another, and Shu Cheng walked to the stage unhurriedly.

"This is really amazing! Even the first top scorer in the college entrance examination in history is also one of the world-class mathematicians! Very powerful!"

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