The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 620 Returning Work (One More)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng looked at Meng Huiqing's excited words on the screen as he grew older and younger, the corners of his lips curled up, and he tapped his fingers on the keyboard...

[An Zhiruosu: Well, the new book is ready. 】

[Meng Huiqing: An Da, you are finally back, what is the relationship between you and Shu Chengda? 】

Meng Huiqing thought about the disappearance of these two people together, and guessed that they must be very familiar friends, but he couldn't be too sure, every speculation about Shu Cheng and An Zhiruosu would be slapped in the face later.

He didn't want to be the one who got slapped in the face.

This feeling is like the gap between the protagonist's supporters and opponents in An Zhiruosu's online novel.

The protagonist's supporters trust the protagonist, and once the protagonist has driven out something earth-shattering, he will even protect the protagonist's own affairs; the opponent of the protagonist will immediately jump out and ridicule the protagonist once he does something.

Meng Huiqing has already discovered that An Zhiruosu and Shu Cheng feel like they have the aura of protagonists, and they are constantly being slapped in the face for mocking.

Aside from thinking that An Zhiruosu was slapped in the face when he swiped the ticket at first, he has always been a supporter of the protagonist watching others being slapped in the face. word out.

[An Zhiruosu: One year has passed, and you still talk so much. 】

Meng Huiqing: "..." The former An Zhiruosu has returned, really returned.

Meng Huiqing, who hadn't been hit for a year, didn't know why she was so excited to be hit by An Zhiruosu.

Maybe it's masochism!

[Meng Huiqing: Anda, what type of new book is it? 】

[An Zhiruo Su: Unlimited. 】

Meng Huiqing was a little confused? unlimited? What's this?

The news that Shu Cheng was An Zhiruosu's return excited not only Meng Huiqing, but also Feng Feng, the editor-in-chief of "New Martial Arts" magazine.

He should be one of the few people who knows that Shu Cheng is An Zhiruosu himself.

Every time he sees a comment from a popular netizen who thinks that An Zhiruosu and Shu Cheng are two people, he feels in a good mood all day long.

It's sour, don't you know?

A certain editor-in-chief said in his heart: Do you know what I was frightened at the beginning? I was scared silly, did you make it? Just don't know!

At that time, I will see that you are all scared to death, scared to death! I'm still as calm as the wind, there's nothing to make a fuss about, isn't it because Shu Cheng is calm and calm! Such a little thing deserves your surprise!

Can't you learn from me to be calm and calm? !

"Beep..." The mobile phone text message sounded.

The corner of Shu Cheng's mouth twitched, she knew it was Fengfeng.

What manuscript are you urging?

If she hadn't been typing while traveling with her daughter-in-law, they would have died in front of the computer, and no amount of hand speed could save her.

Shu Chengmu replied to Feng Feng's text message, and with a clear introduction, he dug out a full-text document from his notebook.

—— "Legend of the Condor Heroes"

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is the representative work of Jin Yong's martial arts novels, and it is also the work with the most readers. It is the first part of the "Shooting the Condor Trilogy" series. The publication of this book established Jin Yong's status as the "Supreme of Martial Arts".

It is not bad to use this work as a new martial arts work that returns.

But now Shu Cheng is a little confused, what exactly is everything he has obtained now?

Is this really like a summer flower?

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