The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 657 (Second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The news of An Zhiruosu's new book naturally spread the moment it was announced on V Blog.

[Set the small bench and wait for the release of Anda's new book! 】

[It is said that "the lights in front of the mountain are like dusk, and the clouds come and go on the mountain. There are several villages in the sound of partridges, and old people in Xiaoxiang. Waving feather fans, trimming lun scarves, young saddle horse dust. Now haggard and chant, Confucian crowns often miss their bodies." This paragraph What means? 】

[I don't know, it should be related to An Da's new book "Langya Bang"! 】

[The name "Langya Bang"... so strange! Can't Anda choose a good name? 】

【same! How many titles of Anda's books are there? "The First Intimate Contact" I thought it was a small H novel at first, so I ran to read it with great interest, all understand. "Living Together with a Stewardess", at first I thought... I took off my trousers, only to realize... you all know... the title of Anda's book... my heart (wu) is like (li) stop (tu) water (cao)! 】

[That's right, the title of Anda's book is simply intoxicating! 】

["Fights Break Sphere" and "Coiling Dragon" are still normal, right? ! It shows that Anda still has the potential to get the title of the book! 】

【……Maybe! 】

The comment area was unconsciously crooked, and Shu Cheng also waited for the time to post it.

Glancing at the time, Shu Cheng thought about it, it's better to sleep, the chapter can be handed over to Meng Huiqingfa, sleeping in the early morning is not good for the skin.

After finishing these things, I have to go and see what happened to the man.

With her strength, she will definitely not add to the chaos.

After all, she is not the silly, white and sweet heroine in the novel "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me". When the male lead has an accident, she will be thrown into outer space without any IQ.

But I don't know why the title of a novel like "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me" is still in use, and it hasn't been blocked as a small H novel.

The meaning of the word "up" is not ordinary!

"Ah-choo!" An Rumian, the creator of the theme of "The Domineering President Falls in Love with Me", the No. 1 actress of female TV, suddenly sneezed.

An Ruomian didn't know that the title of the book she chose had a different meaning in the mouth of the teenager, maybe it was because of a different brain circuit.

Maybe there is a thin line between geniuses and ordinary people.

...Back to the topic.

When Shu Cheng directly handed over the manuscript to Meng Huiqing, Meng Huiqing refused.

Got to stay up all night again, but what can I do?

Man is the king of online literature, the number one writer on the rich list, he only has the opportunity to hug his thigh.

But posting a manuscript can still raise your salary, why not do it? It just affects the normal, sex, life, and life between husband and wife a little!

When it is not good to publish articles, it has to be in the early morning, why doesn't V blog have a function to publish regularly? !

It's time to give some advice to the Vbo official. Every night update will affect the normal sex, life, and life of him and his wife...

Meng Huiqing's non-stop thoughts still failed to prevent Shu Cheng from publishing a new chapter on Vbo in the early morning.

Shu Cheng lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, frowning slightly, recalling all the information he saw at the moment when the network cable was unplugged today.

So what happened?


It was close to 00:00 in the morning.

Countless An Dafans waited in front of the computer for An Zhiruosu's new book "Langya Bang" to be released.

The last ten seconds.!

An Zhiruosu's V blog is updated on time.

Netizens immediately refreshed and clicked into An Zhiruosu's latest V blog.


Digression (no charge for more than 1,000 words):

Again, no more book coins! It is a repetition of the system problem chapter, I have modified it! If you subscribed before, you don't need to spend money to read the revised chapters!

So don't say anything about me stealing book coins or something, there really isn't one!

Don't ask me why I am writing off topic here!

Because what I wrote in the author's words, q...q nine friends of the q browser can't see the author's words!

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