The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 807 (Second update)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng stared darkly at the place where the man's body fell before, "Since you don't believe me, then I'll let you believe it."

Shu Cheng looked around the island, his voice was low and young but with undeniable majesty, "Look here, it looks like a crouching dragon crouching on the waves, the dragon's head is raised slightly, and the wriggling dragon's body is undulating in the middle. Everyone has spirituality'. Look again... this is an excellent geomantic place, how can there be such an incident."

Feng Shui, one of the traditional five arts, the technique of phase and place, originally the technique of phase and place, that is, the method of checking geography on the spot, called geography, and it was called geomancy in ancient China. The purpose is to choose palaces and villages. Site, cemetery construction and other methods and principles, a knowledge of choosing a suitable place.

Fengshui is an invisible science in the world, just like the human soul, invisible and intangible but still exists, but with the development of science, many people do not understand or believe in Fengshui, nor can they believe it. Understand.

As for the people who are listening to Shu Cheng now, none of them understand it anyway.

"You are a Feng Shui master? It seems to make sense."

"Is there such a young Fengshui master? If this place is really a treasured place of Fengshui, how can we explain that so many of our brothers died here?!"

"That's right! That's right! Give us an explanation."

"You mean the one who drew the blueprints?!"

Shu Cheng didn't deny it, "I did draw the blueprint."

"Hehe, it must be because you are not good at academics and bad feng shui, that's why this place has become like this! Hehe!"

"You want to become a teacher at such a young age? Which Feng Shui master is not a certain age? He came out because he was not good at academics, which caused so many of us to die. I don't know how to resolve this!"

"It was you who killed so many of our brothers!"

"If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have died! And it hasn't been resolved yet, and it's very likely that we will die next!"

"It wasn't for you, we wouldn't have encountered such a thing!"

"If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be like this! We're leaving! Don't stay here, you'll only die if you stay here!"


Facing everyone's accusations, Shu Cheng didn't change his face, and chuckled lightly, with an unknown meaning in his eyes.

"If you believe in me, after five days, I promise that nothing like this will happen again."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

The young man's expression was too calm, too calm and breezy, which made people have a kind of magical power that could not be believed.

This kind of personality charm is okay if it is about other things, but it is not important when it comes to life and death.

"What if something happens to us within five days?"

"Yes! What should I do?! How can you guarantee that nothing will happen?!"

"That's right! You can see that the position where he died is exactly the same as the previous death delay! Look at that smile, did you see it?? It's exactly the same! Maybe we will be the next one! What guarantee do you have?"


Shu Cheng has neither magic power nor magic weapon, all he can use is some formulas of theoretical knowledge, whether he can solve this problem is still unknown.

Facing the questioning from this group of people, she didn't know what to say, so she could only temporarily calm everyone's emotions.

After all, these workers still want to build this small island for her. If everyone is dead, where can she find someone to build this place for her?

First of all, I can't be sure whether this incident was intentional or not. If it was intentional, then the power behind those people is beyond her imagination. It would be best if it wasn't.

Shu Cheng stabilized everyone's emotions for the time being, persuading, pretending to be coercive, seeking peace and other methods were used by the young man over and over again.

She knew that this group of people was not easy to dismiss, but she didn't expect that it took so long to chat in person before dismissing them, and they would come again after a while.

Shu Cheng can understand their feelings, but it doesn't mean she approves of their actions.


Finally sent away a wave of people.

The man rubbed his temples for something, and the subwoofer rang in the boy's ears, "Are you tired?"

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, "It's okay."

"Do you really understand Fengshui?" Rong Junyi's obsidian-like eyes looked at Shu Cheng, and there was a flash of interest in them, what else does the young man know?

"A little bit." The young man didn't tell lies, and she didn't have magic spells or magic tools. She only knew that some common theoretical knowledge was of no great use at all.

"Someone is here, let him solve this matter, don't worry." Rong Junyi said.

"Then what did you ask me to do?" Shu Cheng frowned.

Rong Junyi chuckled lightly: "I'm so happy to see you flirting with girls."

Shu Cheng was dumbfounded: "..." So give her something? This man is really learning badly now.

"Where is the sorcerer?" Shu Cheng thought about it, it's not surprising that a family like Rongjunyi believes in this thing, the richer the family, the more they believe in this thing.

"He's here." Rong Junyi said.

Shu Cheng looked around, and saw a little Zhengtai about thirteen or fourteen years old walking towards this side.

Shu Cheng glanced at Xiaozhengtai, and then at the others. Could it be what she thought?

Rong Junyi nodded indifferently.

The corner of Shu Cheng's mouth twitched, and he didn't know how powerful this little kid was. In today's society, there is still such a small delay in children's learning of geomancy, and the things passed down from the family should not be bad, and even if he can't be a man, he won't use him.

The child walked towards Shu Cheng, and before Shu Cheng could speak, he began to speak, "I know Feng Shui, don't look at my young age, you have to trust me."

The child frowned, and said sternly: ""Feng Shui" is just a name, not Feng and Shui. Feng Shui is also called Kanyu, or Bu Zhai, Xiang Zhai, Tu Zhai, Qingwu, Qingsang, Xingfa, Geography, Yin and Yang , The art of landscape. In ancient Chinese texts, "Kan" means the way of heaven and high places, and "Yu" means the way of the earth and the low places. "Kanyu" refers to the study of the way of heaven and the way of the earth, especially the relationship between the terrain. knowledge..."

The child talked a lot, bit by bit, as if he was afraid that Shu Cheng would not believe him, obviously there were too many people who didn't believe him, so in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the child made it clear first, so as to avoid others Do not believe him.

Shu Cheng raised his eyebrows, it seemed that this kid was quite interesting.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Shu Cheng squatted down, looked at the child with a smile on his face.

The child blinked his eyes, did people believe him so easily this time? ?



Although Feng Shui theory still cannot be explained by science, the things handed down by our ancestors are still reasonable. Sometimes some supernatural phenomena make people have to believe.

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