The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 809 - Stepping the Way Ahead (Part 1)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Shu Cheng was not surprised when he saw He Yao's actions, but he felt that little He Yao was very cute.

Shu Cheng watched Xiao He Yao speak to the void calmly, and quickly made a tactic with both hands, and a yellow talisman caught between his fingers spontaneously ignited.

The strange crying sound continued, but Shu Cheng was very calm. It is really not easy to know the strength of this child just by theory.

It's not that there are many fortune-telling and Fengshui masters who are cheating and abducting, but that they really have powerful mana.

"What did she do?" He Yao's soft childish voice floated in the air.

"I don't care about this, it's just that the punishment is unnecessary. How innocent are the people here?"

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

Shu Cheng could easily guess something after listening to He Yao's words, the "she" should refer to her.


Her punishment? What punishment? Who will punish?


In the dark night, as the howling wind blew across Shu Cheng's face, a talisman in Shu Cheng's pocket spontaneously ignited like this, and finally turned into ashes.

He Yao looked at Shu Cheng with dark eyes. He expected her to be in trouble before, so he helped her and gave her a peace talisman, but now he saved her life.

Shu Cheng was caught in his own thoughts, and he didn't even realize when Xiao He Yao came to her side.

For a long time, the howling wind was gone.

"Why are you alive?" Xiao He Yao raised his head, obviously he had a small bun face but pretended to be an adult, yet he looked cute.

Shu Cheng laughed, "Life is like a summer flower."

Xiao He Yao frowned.

"Do you have to build this small island?" Little He Yao said.

"Yes." Shu Cheng said affirmatively, why not?

"You have a lot of ambition, and sometimes living a more ordinary life can save yourself a lot of disasters."

"Being a person requires dreams, and dreams require passion. Passion is the catalyst to realize your dreams. The most fearful thing is to be mediocre all your life, but comfort yourself that you are ordinary and precious." Shu Cheng looked at the dark night, his eyes were as bright as stars, "Do not let yourself down In the next ten years, no matter where I am, I will gain an unbelievable self."

What's more, when she does things, who should she be afraid of?

What should I do if there are obstacles in front of me after choosing a path?

Many people would choose to take a detour, but Shu Cheng would not, she would just pave the way.

Little He Yao looked at the darkness in Shu Cheng's eyes, with a straight face, and a soft and cute voice sounded: "Woman, you can do it for yourself."

Since you have chosen such a path, you have to pay some price, everything is life.

In this calamity, I helped you to prevent more people from suffering.

In the future, there will not be so many people who can help you.

Shu Cheng couldn't help frowning as he watched the sound of the little man going away.

She knew that there were five disadvantages and three disadvantages in this business. In fact, the five disadvantages and three disadvantages referred to a numerology.

The so-called five disadvantages are nothing more than "widowed, widowed, lonely, alone, disabled.". To put it bluntly, the three deficiencies are the three deficiencies of "money, life, and power".

This world operates with its own laws, and those who spy on the secrets and change the rules of the operation of things will be punished by heaven.

The development of things has its own cause and effect, and forcibly intervening to change the cause and effect will cause unwarranted disasters.

So Shu Cheng didn't ask He Yao what happened and what she provoked.

From the moment she was reborn, she decided which way to go.

If you choose, you will never regret it.

This life is destined to be extraordinary.

If she could really live a mediocre life, then she wouldn't be her.

[Crossing the thorns and thorns, leveling the road ahead, ascending to the throne, and being crowned king——Shu Cheng]

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