The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 817 There is always a hot chicken who wants to come out and seek death (fourth more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

When did the literary world become like this? How can there be such an author?

Huang Sibi couldn't figure it out, she didn't know An Zhiruo before, so she looked at the Weibo certification.

An Zhiruosu, the Platinum Master of Xingchen Novel Network, is the author of "Fights Break the Sphere" and "Coiling Dragon".

Huang Sibi frowned even tighter, Xingchen Novel Network? She remembers that this is an unpopular junk fiction website, right? Is it possible that this An Zhiruosu is well written here?

She clicked on "Fights Break Sphere", and after reading three chapters, she frowned and was very angry, "What kind of author is this?! Writing like this?! Can such an article be written for readers?"

Huang Sibi took a look at the book review area, and there were a lot of red rewards. The more she looked at her, the angrier she became. What kind of people are these people? How could someone approve of such a bad writing?

She looked at An Zhiruosu's V blog and sneered, "Showing up the crowd, such a person is destined not to last long!"

After Shu Cheng got involved, he decisively found a digital tablet and a scanner at home to draw. What do you want to ask Shu Cheng to draw?

The painting shows a boa constrictor devouring a beast.

One abstract painting after another was drawn.

Rong Junyi didn't ask Shu Cheng what to draw, but just brought her fruit to calm the anger of a certain boy, otherwise it would be pitiful to see those screaming people on the Internet.

After that, the teenager drew another boy watching the sunrise and sunset.

For several hours, the boy didn't stop.

"Only with the heart can you see the essence of things clearly. The truly important things are invisible to the naked eye." The young man put away his pen, looked at the fox on the drawing board, and then glanced at the rose, "Everything in the world is for profit." Come, all the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit."

Rong Junyi looked at the picture of the boy thoughtfully, this is what the child said, right?

The young man raised his lips. That child traveled through this universe alone, and met all kinds of people, some chasing money, some chasing fame, some chasing power, some miserly, and some arrogant.

"The real problem is not growing up, but forgetting."

"The terrible thing is not growing up, but forgetting."

"I feel tired when adults don't understand anything by themselves and always ask children to explain it to them."

"If we don't travel the world, we don't know what our spiritual and emotional sustenance is, but once we have traversed the world, we find that we can never go back to that beautiful place. When we start seeking, we have Lost, and we don't start to seek, we can't know how precious everything around us is."


This is a fairy tale dedicated to adults, she gave to the adults in this world.

Shu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, let this book shine in this world.

She packed up her things and uploaded the book and illustrations directly to Shen He in the R.S studio, and she handed over all the matters to be discussed with the publisher afterward.


Huang Sibi looked at An Zhiruosu's book review section for a while, then left, and complained to her friends, "I don't know what's going on in this society now, dare to post any book with no connotation on the Internet, it's really a bad idea A new generation! But this kind of book is still read by many people, and I really don’t know how to do it.”

[Huang Sibi V: The new book will be released soon. It is a fairy tale for children. You can read it with confidence and the quality is guaranteed. 】

The V blog comment area.

[Huang Sibi V[reply to V blog]: The quality is absolutely guaranteed, not like some articles published on the website without connotation and style. 】

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