The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 820: Pipishu (Third Watch)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

The boy's handsome face was messed up in the wind, and it was really, getting more and more flirtatious.

She quickly turned over and escaped from the man's confinement while he was not paying attention.

Lately the indulgence has been too serious, so I still have to restrain myself a bit.

Shu Cheng fled to the other side of the sofa with the pillow in his arms, put it on his neck, and raised his legs gracefully.

He murmured: "Aifei, I have something to do tonight, so I won't be able to accompany you. Don't feel wronged, I will love you well when I finish my work for a while."

A few black lines were drawn on Rong Junyi's face, this kid is really getting skinny. The man narrowed his eyes, said nothing, the corners of his lips were drawn into a straight line, and he turned to take a cold shower.

Hey, I am so inhuman that I neglected my daughter-in-law and refused to let my daughter-in-law sleep. Didn't I have a sticky sex every day that I promised before going to bed?

Shu Cheng looked at the man's back with a trace of sympathy in his eyes.

However, this kind of sympathy didn't last long, and the teenager then turned on his phone and clicked on the V blog.

pity? nonexistent!

Will her great goal of making love every day come true?

On Vbo, the fans urging them to read are like babies waiting to be fed. Shu Cheng's lips twitched as he watched.

[Ah, I look left and right, look up and down, but I still can't wait for the day of the new book, it's so painful! ! 】

[That's right, An Da, you are really inhuman, you whet our appetite, but you don't give us candy, I don't care, you have to be responsible for me! ! 】

【I waited for all the flowers to thank...】

【The flowers thank you...】



Shu Cheng looked at his flamboyant fans, and couldn't help but draw a few black lines on his forehead. The corners of his lips were raised, but he said: "I really can't bear it. After all, I'm also a half fanatic."

If the fans knew what Shu Cheng said, they would probably be so angry that they would all jump their feet, pet fans? Mom, are you really not joking?

In the past, he played tricks every day, and his fans doubted his IQ because of the abuse. Later, the news of the new book was announced and he didn't release it. Oh, what a spoiled fan!

The teenager tapped the screen with his finger, quickly entered a few words, clicked, and sent.

[An Zhiruo Su v: It will be released in two days, please look forward to it. 】

Shu Cheng's V blog has been sent. In less than a minute, there are thousands of comments below. The speed is jaw-dropping. My fans are really die-hard fans. They can notice me so quickly. news.

And this piece of news from her finally gave hope to the book urging party's dying heart.

[Anda, you've been really skinny lately! I thought you stopped posting, but now you said posting in two days! [Knife] [Knife] Forget it, as long as it can be sent [Want to cry without tears]]

[Anda, don't you feel unhappy? How did I cry, you said now that it took two days? ! 】

[Looking at a V blog is like doing a roller coaster, but it’s good if the teenager can post it, I almost thought you wrote it and deliberately didn’t show it to us, and didn’t post it [crying]]

[I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up, An Da, you don't know how painful it is for me to wait for the book. 】

[Great, great, as long as I can drink milk, then I will be hungry for another two days. After all, I believe that An Da's book can fill me up for months at a time. 】

[I was moved to cry, but luckily I didn't give up. 】

[Ah, ah, but An Da still didn’t say what type of book this time is. I’m so curious, An Da, can you give me a notice in advance? . 】

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