The National Male God of System Rebirth

Chapter 822 This dog food is really enough (one more)

Biquge, the fastest update system reborn national male god!

Tang Feng sneered, did such insinuating ** really make An Da fascinated?

[Feng Shao: There is an idiot who insinuates and scolds An Da, is there any friend who will fight back with me? [/knife]】

[Strong man, you are pregnant: what? who is it? But if we want to be a quality fan, we can't discredit us, we still have to talk to others first. [/Squint smile][/Wretched]]

[zxc: Hehe, reasoning, reasoning, we all understand, it’s been a long time since I’ve been reasoning with others, I really miss the days when I fought with Brother Qingliu! 】

[Brothers, fight! 】

[Zhan, let's go and see who doesn't know what to do! 】


In this way, Huang Sibi's ID quickly spread under Shu Cheng's V blog, and many fans came to watch.

An Da fan looked coldly at the bottom of Huang Sibi's V blog comment area, the other party didn't name her, but pointed at An Zhiruosu every word.

Many grumpy fans started to attack.

This Huang Sibi's is just an insinuation, it is obvious enough that she is slandering her own An Da, how can she continue to endure it as a fan of An Da.

[An Zhiruo Su Su Susu: Look at you, you are an old woman with a good IQ. I don’t know where you came from. She can’t keep up with the times and dare to show off her IQ here. There is no such thing as you when you go online! 】

[Daughter-in-law, you have grown jj: Still misleading teenagers? I think you are misleading teenagers like this, right? Hehe, I think you made it clear that you want to catch the heat, right? 】

[Everyone's cutie: I don't know where such a sense of superiority comes from? Isn't your V blog certification a published literature writer? Does that make you feel superior? Many Internet writers are just low-key, and you are almost far away from them. 】

[I want to eat sugar, eat sugar, eat sugar: I would like to advise you, I better apologize and delete the V blog, we are not unreasonable people, as long as you admit your mistake, our team can also evacuate. 】

[Strong man, you are pregnant: I have a bad temper, I don’t think anyone offended you, I’m here to find a sense of existence, it’s really funny. Just the few literary works published, that’s all, it’s not as good as the handwritten ones written by Internet writers. Hehe, why is he so superior and not famous? ! 】


Since Shu Cheng wrote the book, she has experienced a lot of turmoil, so her fans have followed Shu Cheng for a long time, and with the influence of a clean stream in the cursing circle, they can naturally be regarded as having seen turbulent waves.

As for things like verbal battles, it was not a problem at all, and more and more people gathered under Huang Sibi's V blog.


rs studio.

Shu Cheng intends to come to discuss the matter of "Sword of Immortal Sword", and the filming will start in a few days. Shu Cheng still has to go through the venue equipment and the actor's contract in person before he can rest assured.

As soon as he walked in, Shen He quickly rushed to Shu Cheng with his mobile phone, but the brake didn't stop and hit Shu Cheng's body.

Shu Cheng smiled charmingly, brushed his handsome short hair, squinted his eyes and said solemnly: "Although I am your male god, you must also know that a boss and a subordinate are not allowed to have an office romance, and, now that I am I have a good relationship with my wife."

After Shu Cheng finished speaking, he even pretended to straighten his clothes, revealing the strawberry print on his neck in a way.

"...Young man, you are really enough." The corners of Shen He's mouth twitched, this Shu Cheng, who sprinkled dog food for himself as soon as he came in, was really enough.

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